Zionist pamphlet on ancient Jewish populations in Palestine
Tazkirim historiyim. 'Al tsefifut ha-ukhlusim ve-khamutam be-Erets-Yisra'el ha-'atikah, 'al ha-yishuv ha-Yehudi be-Erets-Yisra'el me-hurban ha-Bayit ha-Sheni ve-'ad 'aliyat ha-Biluyim, ve-'al gale ha-'aliyah la-Arets. [Historical survey on the number and density of the population of ancient Palestine].
8vo. 84 pp. 5 folding maps. Contemporary loose cardstock wrapper, stapled.
€ 750.00
Slightly altered version published in 1947 as "Historical Memoranda" or "Historical Survey". A rare Zionist booklet issued in Hebrew by the General Council of the Jewish Community of Palestine to the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry. This publication was part of a series of three such pamphlets issued in 1946-47, each presenting a history of Jewish populations in Palestine and diasporic movement. Of the three, this pamphlet deals the most with the history of ancient Palestine. The folding maps illustrate waves of Jewish immigration from 640-1882 CE and identify sites of Jewish settlements in Roman, early Muslim, Crusade, Mamluk, and Ottoman periods.
Somewhat toned; maps are bright and clear.
OCLC 244129609.