"the best and surest cure is intercourse"

Woyt, Johann Jacob. Gazophylacium medico-physicum, oder Schatz-Kammer medicinisch- und natürlicher Dinge, in welcher alle medicinische Kunst-Wörter, inn- und äusserliche Kranckheiten [...], alle Mineralien, Metalle, Ertze [...] vorgestellet werden.

Leipzig, Friedrich Lankischens Erben, 1740.

4to. (6), 1035, (68) pp. Title printed in red and black. With engraved frontispiece. Contemporary full calf on five raised bands with gilt label to elaborately gilt spine. Marbled endpapers. All edges red.


Tenth edition of this popular dictionary of scientific and pharmaceutical terms. Contains extensive descriptions of various disorders with their indications and treatments, including medical recipes. The headwords, often discussed in lengthy articles, include "amor insanus" ("the best and surest cure is intercourse"), anorexia and bulimia, pineapples (with tasting notes), melancholy, opium, "orgasmus seminis", tinnitus, etc.

Woyt (1671-1709) was a plague doctor and professor of medicine at Königsberg.


Spine-ends a little bumped and chipped; interior somewhat browned due to paper stock.


Zischka 205. Lesky 721. Cf. Hirsch/H. V, 999. Ferchl 589. Waller 10401. Blake 495 (other editions). Not in Osler.