Nathan ben Kalonymos, Itzhak. [Meir Nativ.] Concordantias hebraicas [she-hiber he-hacham ha-muvhak Rabi Mordechai Natan].

Venice, Alvise Bragadini, 1564.

Folio. (416) ff. Hebrew type, 4 cols. With woodcut printer's device on title page. 17th century calf with gilt spine and cover rules; gilt Jesuit device to cover. Edges tinted yellow.


Rare second Venetian edition of the first Hebrew Bible concordance (first published by Bomberg in 1523), with a new Latin dedication to Maggio Parentini. Words are arranged etymologically by roots and stems; the order of the books follows that of the Vulgate. The Arles-born Rabbi Isaac Nathan ben Kalonimus (fl. 1400-48) compiled the work commonly referred to as "Meir Nativ" ("Light of the Way") between 1437 and 1447 with the twofold aim to facilitate the study of Biblical exegesis and to keep Jews who had converted to Christianity from misquoting the Bible in religious controversies (cf. Jewish Encyclopaedia). Nathan himself moved in Christian scholarly circles and participated in theological disputations with his Christian colleagues. Notably, he based his present concordance on a work compiled by the Franciscan Arlotto de Prato. Occasionally (as here) the book is falsely attributed to Isaac's nephew Mordechai Nathan.

Text ruled in red throughout; the edges' yellow paint has seeped into the margins in places. Title page somewhat brownstained; a few corner defects early on, otherwise very clean and largely unbrowned. Ms. ownership of the Jesuit college at Chambéry (Savoy), dated 1585, on title (and repeated on last leaf but one); old stamp and long bibliographical note in French (c. 1900). Binding somewhat rubbed; spine professionally repaired. No copy in U.S. libraries.


Adams B 1953. BM-STC Italian 104. Steinschneider 5399.3. Fürst III, 22. OCLC 257608293. Not in Edit 16.

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