Chacon, Pedro. De triclinio, sive, de modo convivandi apud priscos romanos, & de conviviorum apparatu. Accedit Fulvii Ursini appendix.

[Heidelberg, Hieronymus Commelinus in Zusammenarbeit mit der Genfer] Officina Sanctandreana, 1590.

8vo. (4), 192, (12) pp. With woodcut printer's device to t. p. and four large woodcuts. 18th-c. dark brown calf (damaged).


Second edition of the well-known book on Roman dining habits, first published in 1588. Also contains relevant texts by classical authors such as Ovid, Terence, and Propertius. Rare Sanctandreana imprint; usually encountered with Commelin's name on the title page (only two copies thus in VD 16). The large woodcus show various feasts.

Binding rubbed; extremities severyl bumped. Interior somewhat brownstained and with 17th-c. marginalia (trimmed by binder's knife upon rebinding c. 1750); numerous later pencil underlinings.


VD 16, ZV 3209. IA 135.411. Adams C 1630. Vicaire 174. Georg 22. Palau 66773. Not in BM-STC German.