Türckisches Städt-Büchlein: Darinn Hundert und etliche der auserlesensten Städte, Vestungen und Schlösser, so der Ottomannischen Herrschafft, theils im Königreich Ungarn, theils in andern Reichen und Theilen der Welt, unterworffen; Samt deren Belägerung, Eroberung, Schlachten, Antiquitäten [...].
12mo. (20), 455, (1) pp. With separate double-page-sized engraved title and 24 engraved plates (mostly views).
(Bound after) II: Grundmann, Martin. Geist- und Weltliche Geschichtschule, oder ergetzliche nutz- und lehrreiche Geschichte, Beyspiele und Begebnüsse von mancherley wunderbare[n] Verhengnüssen, Gerichten, Wolthaten und Straffen Gottes, als auch seltsamen Zufällen, Eigenschafften und denckwürdigen Tugend- und Lasterthaten der Menschenkinder. Auß bewährten, gelährter Leute Geschicht- Zeit- und Kunstbüchern zusammenbracht. Dresden, Andreas Löffler, 1655. (12), 405, (11) pp. With separate engraved title page and a numismatic plate opposite p. 185. Contemporary vellum.
€ 9,500.00
Early, rare German-language gazetteer of the Ottoman Empire, describing many cities and places throughout the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe, including 17th-century accounts of Aden, Mecca and Medina in Arabia. The bird's eye views and plates include Aden, Alexandria, Algiers, and Rhodes; Constantinople; Buda, Pest, Kanizsa, Eger, Esztergom, and Temesvar, as well as Muhammad's grave in Medina. Prefixed to the work is an index of sources from whom this compilation has been drawn (including several Muslim and oriental authors).
Bound first is the first edition of Grundmann's historical manual, with alphabetical articles about the lives or rulers and saints, rare and fantastic plants and beasts, exotic godheads, historical events, commendable traits of character, etc. The fine engraved title includes eight emblematic vignettes.
Old stamps to titles of Grundmann's work; altogether a finely preserved specimen.
I: VD 17, 23:315597C. Dünnhaupt 11 (citing only 22 plates). Nebehay/Wagner 1051 (citing only 17 plates). Jöcher II, 704. Will I, 463. Not in Aboussouan, Atabey, Blackmer.
II: VD 17, 39:119939P.