Träume eines Menschenfreundes.
8vo. 2 vols. (III)-XVI, 288 pp. (2), 369, (3) p., wanting half-titles. With folding table at end of vol. 1. Contemporary half calf over sprinkled boards, spines gilt with label.
€ 950.00
Second edition of the author's exposition of physiocratic doctrines, first published in 1776. Iselin (1728-82) was not converted to the ideas of Quesnay before 1772, and the present work was the first in which his new position was given full expression. According to Iselin, human institutions have corrupted the natural order of things, and in this book he develops a new constitution aiming at to reconcile the republicanism of his Swiss fatherland with the enlightened despotism of Quesnay. Iselin was also the editor of the German economic journal "Ephemeriden der Menschheit", which soon gained a great reputation and counted among its contributors many of the most eminent German economists.
Handwritten inscription, dated 1793, to flyleaves. A very nice set.
Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Einaudi. Palgrave II, p. 459.