Vetsmadian, Mikayel. Storagrut'iwn kayseranist k'agak'in Venneyi.

Vienna, Mxit’arean Tparan (Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei), 1829.

8vo. (10), 272, (2) pp. With lithographed title vignette and 8 hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary half calf over blue marbled boards with gilt spine title.


Rare description of Vienna, printed in Armenian throughout and published by the Vienna Mechitharist press set up in 1811. "One of the earliest (and perhaps most beautiful) Armenian prints produced in a Viennese printshop is the 1829 guidebook to Vienna entitled 'Storegroit'iin kayseranist k'agak'in Venneyi' ('Description of the Imperial Residence and Capital Vienna') by one Michael Vets'matean. The engravings show important sights of the city: the 'Spinnerin am Kreuz', the Theseus temple and the Burg gate, St Charles' Church, and of course St Stephen's Cathedral. The book also reflects the history of the Mechitarist order: two engravings show the still-extant building of the former abbey of the canonesses of St James in Klosterneuburg, which had been acquired by the Armenian order as a summer retreat only in 1828, immediately before Vets'matean's topography went to press, and which was later converted by Joseph Kornhäusel, as was the Mechitarists' monastery in Vienna" (cf. Wienbibliothek, online).

Binding a little rubbed, interior showing insignificant browning; slight waterstain near the end. Very finely preserved altogether.


Kalemkiar, p. 7, no. 100. Not in Nersessian.