General manuscripts

Showing items 529–576 of 599 (General manuscripts)

  • Sultan 'Ali Khorasani. Dastur al-'ilaj [The Rule Book for Therapy].Central Asia, 26 Jan. 1803 CE = 2 Shawwal 1217 H.

  • [Suppression of the Society of Jesus]. Anonymous anti-Jesuit poem written upon the death of Pope Clement XIV.No place, ca. 1774.

  • [Suppression of the Society of Jesus]. Manuscript copy of six anti-Jesuit poems.No place, late 18th century.

  • [Suppression of the Society of Jesus]. "Per la soppressione della Società". Manuscript copy of ten anti-Jesuit …No place, late 18th century.

  • [Suppression of the Society of Jesus]. Anonymous manuscript with 13 predominantly anti-Jesuit poems.No place, late 18th century.

  • [Suppression of the Society of Jesus]. Anonymous manuscript with three anti-Jesuit texts.No place, ca. 1773.

  • Sururi, Muslihaddin Mustafa b. Sha'ban al-. Sharh Gulistan [Commentary on the Rose Garden].Ottoman Turkey, ca. 1700 / 17th century CE.

  • Suyuti, Jalal al-Din al-. Al-Tibb al-Nabawi [Prophetic Medicine].No place, 1859 CE = 1276 H.

  • Suyuti, Jalal al-Din al-. Kitab al-Jami al-Saghir min hadith al-basir an-nadir [The Book of the Lesser …No place, before 1842 CE 1257 H.

  • [Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch - Synod of Mount Lebanon]. Ristretto delle Relazioni de Relatori del Sinodo del Monte Libano, et unione …No place or date, but probably Rome, 1736 or soon after.

  • Tabari, Muhibb al-Din Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah al-. Kitab al-simt al-thamin fi manaqib Ummahat al-Mu'minin [The Precious Book …Mecca, 5 Oct. 1457 CE = 16 Dhu'l-Qa'da 861 H.

  • Tabrizi, Shams al-Din Muhammad 'Assar. Mihr-o Mushtari.Savafid Iran, 1550 CE = 957 H.

  • [Tarikh-i Hind-i gharbi]. Tarikh-i yeni dunya [History of the New World, or America and the Indies].Turkish or Ottoman Balkans, Nov./Dec. 1770 CE = Sha'ban 1184 H.

  • Tasca, Ottavio, Italian poet (1795-1872). Autograph manuscript and autograph letter signed.Paris, 13 Aug 1850.

  • [Theater]. Souvent femme varie [...]. Petite comédie en un acte. Hs. Manuskript, …Graz, 1888.

  • [Theater an der Wien] - (Görlitz, Karl, Schriftsteller [1830-1890]). "Drei Paar Schuhe. Lebensbild mit Gesang in 3 Abtheilungen nebst einem …Wien, Februar 1870.

  • Theodosius of Bithynia. Kitab al-ukar [Sphaerics].Central Asia, May/June 1592 CE = Sha'ban 1000 H.

  • Theodosius of Bithynia. Kitab al-ukar [Sphaerics].Kabul, 1909 CE = 1327 H.

  • [Theologische Handschrift]. ["Schluß Denksprüche" (Incipit)].O. O. u. D., wohl Anfang 19. Jhdt..

  • [Tirol - Rattenberg]. Wareneingangsbuch einer Fernhandelsniederlassung.Rattenberg, 1788-1807 und 1810-1824.

  • Toesca, Pietro. Monumenti e studi per la storia della miniatura italiana. La collezione …Milano, 1930.

  • Torriggiani, Ludovico Maria, Cardinal Secretary of State for Clement XIII (1697-1777). "Rotture diplomatiche tra il Portogallo e la Santa Sede". Report on the …Rome, 1760.

  • Tostlöwe (Tostleben), Christoph. Eigentliches Zeugniß der Warheit in der Demmerung, oder Ein guter Anfang …Böhlitz bei Leipzig, 1698.

  • [Traumdeutung]. Daß große und Neue Traum Buch oder daß wahre Mittel für Spiellustige …O. O., 1791.

  • Tuch, Friedrich, Orientalist und Theologe (1806-1867). Eigenh. Manuskript mit Namenszug in der Eingangszeile.O. O. u. D.

  • Turani, Domenico, SJ., Kleriker (1679-1759). Memoria istorica sopra l'avvenuto in Roma in occasione della Bolla Pretiosus …Rom, um 1727.

  • Tusi, Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al- / Mallah, Abdul-Fath. Bist bab dar ma'rifat-i ustrulab [and] Dar ilm usturlab. [Twenty chapters …Persia, 1856/57 CE = 1273 H.

  • (Tusi, Nasir al-Din al-). Sharh-i bist bab dar marifat-i asturlab [Commentary on the twenty chapters …Persia, ca. 1680 / 17th century.

  • Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-. Bist bab dar ma'rifat-i ustrulab [Twenty chapters on the knowledge of the …Persia or Central Europe, ca. 1770 / 18th century CE.

  • Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-. Bahname-yi badisahi [A book on sexual matters]. (And:) Mahmud bin Kadi-i …Ottoman Turkey, ca. 1880 / 19th century CE.

  • Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-. Al-Tadhkira fi 'ilm al-Hay’a [Memoir on Astronomy].Ottoman Provinces, 1876 CE = 1293 H.

  • Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-. Akhlaq-i Nasiri [Nasirean Ethics].Persia or Central Asia, ca. 1770 / 18th century CE.

  • Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-. Kitab ad-darb wa'l-qisma fi 'ilm al-jabr wa al-hisab [On multiplication …Probably Persia, 14th/15th century CE.

  • Ujhely, Emerich. Herbarium.Mediterranean?, mid-19th century.

  • [Ungarn - Einlaufprotokoll]. Exhibitenprotokoll.Ohne Ort, 1835-1836.

  • Unsuri, Abu al-Qasim Hasan. Masnavi-i Vamiq va 'Azra [Metiochus and Parthenope].Persia, 19th century.

  • Urban VIII, Pope (i. e. Maffeo Barberini 1568-1644). Papal bull.Rome, 13 Feb 1638.

  • [Urdu Mirror for Princes]. Hindustani Stories.Probably Kashmir, early 19th century CE.

  • [Urmawi, Al-]. [Al-Risalah al Sharafiyyah fi Nisab al-ta ‘lifiyyah - turcice.] Er-Risâletü’s-Serefiyye …Ottoman Turkey, ca. 1900.

  • Urmawi, Arafa bin Muhammad al-. Al-Turuq al-Wadihat fi 'Amal al-Munashkat.Ottoman Provinces, 1591/92 CE = 1000 H.

  • [Venetian expense book]. Cotto deli domani spesi [...].Venice, 1506-1538.

  • [Venice]. Statutes and ordinances of the Senate of Venice: legal collection, 14th-16th …Venice "data in nostro Ducali Palatio", 11 June 1579 "indictione septima".

  • [Venice - Foscari, Francesco, Doge of Venice (1373-1457)]. Comissio egregii et nobilis viri domini Jeronimi Lambardo honor provisoris …Venice, 2 Sep 1433.

  • Vericci, Marco. "Inmaginationi Millitari." Manuscript on paper, in Italian.Venice, 20 Sep 1595.

  • [Vietnamese mythology]. "Histoire sur la vie du grand Génie de Bac Ninh ong Thanh Dong, dit vulgairement …N. p., mid-19th century.

  • Visconti, Achille, physician (1836-1911)? Manuscript compendium on physics and engineering.Possibly Milan, likely 1860s.

  • Placeholder

    Vivenot jun., Rudolf Rt. von, Mediziner und Klimatologe (1833-1870). Verschiedene Manuscripte, Aufzeichnungen und Mittheilungen über verdichtete …Verschiedene Orte, bis 1870.

  • [Vulgate Bible fragments]. Two large fragments of a lectern Bible in Carolingian minuscule.Germany, 11th century.


Showing items 529–576 of 599 (General manuscripts)

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