Iraq & Mesopotamia

Showing items 145–174 of 174 (Iraq & Mesopotamia)

  • Said, Nuri al-. Muhadarat 'an 'l-harakat al-'askariya li-l-jaish al-'arabi fi 'l-Hijaz …Baghdad, 1947.

  • Shenety, Mohammed Fathi el-. [Petroleum and colonialism in the Middle East].Cairo, 1957.

  • Sibahi, Aziz. Uqud min tarikh al-Hizb al-Shuyu 'i al-'Iraqi.Damascus & Baghdad, 2005.

  • Sionita, Gabriel. Arabia, seu Arabum vicinarumque gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, sacri …Amsterdam, 1633.

  • Sionita, Gabriel. Arabia, seu Arabum vicinarumque gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, sacri …Amsterdam, 1635.

  • Skinner, [Thomas]. Adventures During a Journey Overland to India, by Way of Egypt, Syria, …London, 1836.

  • [Soviet General Staff Maps] - Iran, Iraq, Levant 1:200,000. General'nyí shtab. (Iran, Iraq, Levant 1:200,000).Moscow, 1963-1991.

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  • Stark, Freya. East is West.London, 1945.

  • [Stereoscopic Cards]. Collection of 22 Stereoscopic Cards published by Sunbeam Tours, Underwood …London, Ottawa Kansas, Philadelphia, and Burnley, ca. 1897-1918.

  • [Sumerian Foundation Cone]. Cuneiform foundation cone dating to the reign of Ishme-Dagan.Southern Mesopotamia, 1953-1935 BCE.

  • Suwaydi, Muhammad Amin. Hadha kitab Saba'ik al-dhahab fi ma'rifat qaba'il al-'Arab [The book of …Baghdad, 1864 CE = 1280 H.

  • [Tabriz - Map]. Tabriz. North J-38. Provisional edition. G.S.G.S. No. 2555.London, 1924.

  • Taylor, Robert, British military officer (1788-1852). Autograph letter signed.Baghdad, 9 Jul 1838.

  • Teixeira, Pedro. (The Travels of Peter Teixeira from India to Italy by Land.) A View of …London, 1710.

  • Thesiger, Wilfred. The Marsh Arabs.London, 1964.

  • [Thompson, Alfred Tulloch]. [Photograph album of the Mesopotamian Campaign 1914-1918].Iraq, ca. 1918.

  • Thomson, Captain R. Campbell / Georges, Elias, et al. (eds.). A List of Words and Phrases in the Basrah Dialect of Arabic.Simla, 1916.

  • [Turkey and the Middle East]. Der Nahe Osten. Tornisterschrift des NS.-Führungsstabes der Wehrmacht. …Berlin, 1944.

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  • Valle, Pietro della. Viaggi di Pietro della Valle il pellegrino.Venice, 1661-1664.

  • [Van Ess, John, et al.]. Historical Mesopotamia.Basrah, 1922.

  • Vaugondy, Robert de. Etats du Grand-Seigneur en Asie, Empire de Perse, Pays des Usbecs, Arabie …Paris, 1753.

  • Wagner, Johann Christoph. Delineatio provinciarum Pannoniae et Imperii Turcici in Oriente. Eine Grundrichtige …Augsburg, 1685-1687.

  • Walsh, C. W. / Holton, G. F. Views Around South Persia. A Selection of Camera Studies of Native Types …Bristol & London, mid 1920s.

  • Weiland, C[arl] F[erdinand]. [Allgemeiner Hand-Atlas der ganzen Erde]. The Near and Middle Eastern Maps.Weimar, 1827-1834.

  • [Wilson, Arnold Talbot]. A Sketch of the Political History of Persia, Iraq and Arabia, With Special …Calcutta, 1917.

  • [World War I - Baghdad and Mesopotamia]. Archive relating to the British transport corps ("Remount Depot", and "Mule …Baghdad, ca. 1917-1922.

  • [WWI - Gulf Operations]. Despatches Regarding Operations in the Persian Gulf and in Mesopotamia.London, 1915.

  • [WWI - Mesopotamian Campaign]. [Photo album of the Mesopotamian Campaign].Egypt, Iraq, India, and Pakistan, 1915-1917.


Showing items 145–174 of 174 (Iraq & Mesopotamia)

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