
Showing items 97–144 of 192 (India)

  • [Jain cosmogram]. Polychrome pigments on cotton.Northern India, early 20th century.

  • [Jainism]. [Illustrated Jain manuscript].India or Pakistan, 19th century or earlier.

  • [Jainism - Indian miniature]. [Jain cosmographical diagram].Gujarat or Rajasthan, late 19th/ early 20th century.

  • Jones, Sir William. The Works of Sir William Jones. [With:] Supplemental volumes to the Works …London, 1799-1804.

  • [Journals - Western and Central Asia; India]. Olaf Caroe, Aurel Stein, Richard Temple, Francis Younghusband and others. [Large collection of journal articles about the scientific exploration …Various places, including London and Calcutta, 1837-1981.

  • Kanga, Sorabjee Pestonjee (transl.). Metrical version of the Gathas in English.Bombay, 1934.

  • Kautilya [also called Canakya or Visnugupta Galanos Demetrios]. Synopsis gnomon ethikon [...]. Sommario di sentenze morali del filosofo …Rome, 1825.

  • Kaye, John William. The Life and Correspondence of Major-General Sir John Malcolm, G.C.B., …London & Bombay, 1856.

  • Khusraw Dihlavi, Amir. Qissat Shahar Darvish [The Story of the Four Dervishes].Mughal India, 1767 CE = 1184 H.

  • Khusraw Dihlavi, Amir. Diwan-i Amir Khusraw Dihlavi.Indo-Persia, Timurid Empire, ca. 1460-1480 CE.

  • Placeholder

    Khusraw Dihlavi, Amir. Deval Rani Khizr Khan [or,] Ashiqa.Mughal India, ca. 18th century CE.

  • Kotzebue, August von. The Indian Exiles. A Comedy in Three Acts.London, 1800.

  • Kreitner, Gustav. Im Fernen Osten. Reisen des Grafen Bela Széchenyí in Indien, Japan, China, …Wien, 1881.

  • Kumar, Ravinder. India and the Persian Gulf Region 1858-1907. A Study in British Imperial …Bombay, 1965.

  • Lari, Muhi al-Din. Futuh al-Haramayn [Description of the Holy Cities].India or Persia, late 19th or early 20th century CE.

  • [Lazzat Un Nisa]. Laddhat un-nisa [The Pleasure of Women].Northern India, ca. 1820s / early 19th century.

  • Placeholder

    [Lazzat Un Nisa]. Laddhat un-nisa [The Pleasure of Women].Mughal Kashmir or Safavid Iran, before 1724 CE.

  • Lepsius, [Karl] R[ichard]. Das allgemeine linguistische Alphabet.Berlin, 1855.

  • Literary Society of Bombay. Transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay.London, 1819-1823.

  • Lopes de Castanheda, Fernão. The First Booke of the Historie of the Discoverie and Conquest of the East …London, 1582.

  • Lumsden, Thomas. A Journey From Merut in India, to London, Through Arabia, Persia, Armenia, …London & Edinburgh, 1822.

  • [Magic lantern slides]. Large collection of more than 400 glass positives.Probably Scandinavia, early 20th century.

  • Mandelslo, Johann Albrecht von. Morgenländische Reyse-Beschreibung.Hamburg, 1658.

  • Mandelslo, Johann Albrecht von. Morgenländische Reyse-Beschreibung.Hamburg & Schleswig, 1658.

  • Manuel, G. S. Rahnuma-yi Dihli [Guide to Delhi].Delhi, 1874.

  • [Map - Asia - Middle East]. National Geographic Society. Southwest Asia, India, Pakistan, and Northeast Africa.Washington, DC, 1952.

  • Maragha'i, Rukn al-din Awhadi [known as Awhad al- din Isfahani]. Jam'i Jam [The Cup of Jamshid].Timurid Herat, 1459/60 CE = 863 H.

  • [Maréchal, Sylvain]. Voyages de Pythagore en Egypte, dans Chaldee, dans l'Inde, en Crete, a …Paris, 1799 CE = an septieme.

  • Metellus, Johannes. Asia tabulis aeneis secundum rationes geographicas delineata.Oberursel, 1600.

  • [Miniatures - Yusuf and Zulaykha]. [Nine hand-painted miniatures illustrating the Yusuf and Zulaykha Romance].Northern India, 18th century.

  • Mir Amman Dihlavi. Bagh o Bahar [Garden and Spring].India, likely Delhi, 19th century

  • Moffat, James. Vexation and Strife.Calcutta Kolkata, 1797.

  • Morarji Desai, Prime Minister of India (1896-1995). Portrait photograph signed.No place, 3 Aug 1977.

  • Morier, James Justinian. Haji Baba-yi Isfahani. [The Adventures of Haji Baba of Isphahan - Persian].Lahore, November 1931.

  • Mutter Teresa (d. i. Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu), Ordensfrau und Trägerin des Friedensnobelpreises (1910–1997). Gedr. Gebetszettel mit Portrait und eigenh. U. ("God bless you | M Teresa …O. O. u. D.

  • Nansen, Fridtjof, Norwegian explorer and Nobel Peace laureate (1861-1930). Letter signed.London, 2 Jul 1907.

  • Neumann, Karl Eugen, Indologe (1865-1915). Eigenh. Postkarte mit U.Wien, 2 Jul 1910.

  • Nisaburi, Abu al-Qasim al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Habib al-. Kitab al-Tibb al-Nabawi [Book on Prophetic Medicine].India, 1846/47 CE= 1263 H.

  • Nizami, Nizam al-Din Abu Muhammad. The Secander Nama of Nizami. With a selection from the works of the most …Calcutta, 1812.

  • [Oman]. Cole, C. S. D. An Account of an Overland Journey from Leskkairee to Meskat and the "Green …Bombay, 1849.

  • [Oman navigation logbook]. McKinnell, Thomas, Assistant Master. Log of the proceedings. HMS "Cyclops". W. J. S. Pullen Esq. Captain. Commencing …HMS Cyclops: Oman, Khuriya Muriya Islands, Yemen, Egypt, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and other places, 1857-1861.

  • Paget, William Henry / Mason, A. H. / et al. (eds.). Frontier and Overseas Expeditions from India. Compiled in the Intelligence …Simla, 1907-1911.

  • [Pakistan]. Watercolour album.Pakistan, 1844.

  • Paulino à S. Bartholomaeo. Sidharubam seu grammatica Samscrdamica.Rome, 1790.

  • [Persian Telegraph]. Goldsmid, Frederic John. Telegraph and Travel. A Narrative of the Formation and Development of Telegraphic …London, 1874.

  • [Peshawar Brigade]. [Photograph album - 1932 Chitral Relief and 1933 Mohmand-Bajaur Operation].Pakistan, 1932-1933.

  • Peter (Petros) of Greece and Denmark, Prince, soldier and anthropologist (1908-1980). Autograph letter signed.London, 12 Jul 1959.

  • Pimentel, Manoel. Arte de navegar em que se ensinam as regras praticas ... e roteyro das …Lisboa, 1746.


Showing items 97–144 of 192 (India)

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