General manuscripts

Showing items 1–48 of 628 (General manuscripts)

  • 'Abd Allah ibn Abi al-Ma'ali al-Mahfuf al-Munajjim. Kashf al-asrar wa Kifayat al-Akhyar fi ilm al-Tanjim wa Ma'rifat Manazil …Uzbekistan, ca. 1880 CE.

  • Abd-al-Halim al Qaysari (Suwaylim-Zadah). Bahghat al-albab fi 'l-asturlab (and other works).No place, 1733/34 CE = 1146 H.

  • Abdülaziz, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1830-1876, ruled 1861-1876). Ottoman Izn-i Sefine [Sailing Permission] Firman.Konstantiniyye Istanbul, 13 November 1873 CE = 20 Sab'an 1873.

  • Abdulmejid I, Ottoman Sultan (1823-1861). Firman to the Kadi of Egypt.Constantinople, 24 Sept. 1839 CE = 15 Rajab 1255 H.

  • Abdulmejid I, Ottoman Sultan (1823-1861). Ottoman travelling firman for Sir Jacob Henry Preston.Constantinople, ca. 1840.

  • Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi. Kitab bustan al-'arifin [The Garden of Sages].Syria?, 1673/74 CE = 1084 H.

  • Abu Dawud Sulayman ibn al-Ash'ath al-Sijistani. Kitab Sunan Abi Dawud.Probably Seljuk Damascus, 1131/32 CE = 526 H.

  • [Abu Dhabi]. Geological map of Abu Dhabi.Abu Dhabi, 1970s.

  • [Abu Dhabi - Al Ain]. Geomorphological Map of Northern Part of Gabal Hafeet (U.A.E.).Abu Dhabi, 1970s.

  • [Adametz, Teresa, Chilean educator (1846-1917)]. Lira Chilena. El 3er Curso de la Escuela Normal de Preceptoras. Dedica …Santiago de Chile, 15 Oct 1888.

  • [Adelsrecht]. Militär-Adel.Österreich, ca. 1845.

  • Ahlwardt, Wilhelm. Verzeichniss der Arabischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu …Berlin, 1887-1899.

  • [Al Ain]. Manuscript map - [Town Planning Department Al Ain. Geological Survey of …Al Ain, 1970s.

  • (Albertus). Elogia divi Josephi, duodecim titulis exornata.O. O., um 1790.

  • [Album amicorum]. Studentenalbum des Pál Jezowicz (Jeschovicz) mit 170 Einträgen.Sopron Ödenburg, Tübingen, Stuttgart, Augsburg, Posen, Chemnitz, Iglau, Wien, Frankfurt/M. u. a. O., 1752-1755.

  • [Album amicorum]. Friendship album of Georg Thomas Bach.Altona, Cannstatt, Ditzingen, Frankfurt/M., Göttingen, Grafenberg, Kornwestheim, Krozingen, Maulbronn, Münchingen, Nuremberg, Nürtingen, Oberstenfeld, Schleusingen, Stuttgart, Unterensingen u. a., 1789-1830.

  • [Album amicorum]. Studentenstammbuch des Philipp Eberhard Clausing.Jena, Augsburg, Dresden, Leipzig, Hannover, Gotha, Rothenburg o. d. T., Osnabrück , Sponheim, Schweinfurt, Rudolstadt, Waldeck, Wolkenstein u. a. O., 1772-1777.

  • [Album amicorum]. Stammbuchkassette eines Theologen.Wittenberg und Jena, 1702-1707.

  • [Album amicorum]. Stammbuchblätter des Theologiestudenten Johannes Curtius.Bremen, Basel, Kassel, Leiden, Amsterdam, Paris, Siegen u. a. O., 1660-1667.

  • [Album amicorum]. Friendship album box of Friedrich Ferdinand von Ammon.Göttingen 42, Heidelberg 26, and other places, 1815 to mostly 1817.

  • [Album amicorum]. Friendship album of the theologian Matthias Harnwolf with more than 250 …Mostly Leipzig and Jena, but including Berlin, Frankfurt/Oder, Halle/Saale, Liegnitz, Magdeburg, Sopron, and Waldau, 1769-1773.

  • [Album amicorum]. Album amicorum des Johann Friedrich Ludwig Sahl (1765-1814).Überwiegend Buchsweiler/Elsass 38; ferner Pirmasens 8, Braunfels 6, Tournay 5, Cloppenburg 4, Nimwegen 4, Antwerpen 3, außerdem Godesberg, Arnheim, Quakenbrück, Greven, Gehrden, Osnabrück, Bremen, Sprenglingen und Duisburg, 1792-1795.

  • [Album amicorum]. Album amicorum der Ella Gräfin zu Lodron-Laterano und Castelromano (1880-1964).Graz, Himmelberg, Meran, Pula, Schönau am Königsee, Venedig u. a. O., 1894-1903.

  • [Album amicorum - Mecklenburg]. "Denckmahl der [Freun]dschaft" (Rückentitel).Ivenack, Malchin, Neubrandenburg, Parchim, Stavenhagen, Waren Müritz u. a. O., 1798-1799.

  • [Album amicorum of Martin Ziegler]. Ara mnemoneutica [...] in gratiam Martini Ziegler Transsilvani, Patricii …Wittenberg, Leiden, Dresden, Leipzig, Königstein etc., 1680-1703.

  • [Alchemical manuscript]. Alchemical manuscript on vellum containing a series of complex symbols, …Northern Italy, not before 1560s.

  • [Alchemical manuscript]. An alchemist's handbook, in German. Illustrated manuscript on paper.Germany, ca. 1480/90.

  • [Alchemy]. Ein Tractat von dem Lapide Philosophorum, darinnen kürtzlich begriffen …Probably Germany, ca. 1650.

  • [Alchemy]. "Opuscula Alchymica". Alchemical manuscript.Germany, 18th century.

  • [Alchemy - Persia]. Alchemical manuscript.Persia, ca. 1800 CE.

  • [Alchemy and pigment recipes]. Praeparationes variae aluminii calcinatio. [A collection of recipes for …Probably Germany, ca. 1650.

  • Alexander VII, Pope (i. e. Fabio Chigi, 1599-1667). Papal bull.Rome, "Nonis Martii", i. e. 7 March 1656.

  • [Algeria & Tunisia]. Manuscript travelogue of a Frenchman, travelling with his parents in Algeria …France, Algeria, and Tunisia, 1890.

  • Ali ibn al-Abbas al-Majusi. Kitab Kamil as-Sina'a at-Tabbaiya [The Complete Book of Medical Art].Safavid Persia, 1582-1584 CE = 990-991 H.

  • Ali ibn Muhammed, Ala al-Din (Ali Qushji). Risalah dar 'Ilm-i Hay'at [A treatise on the science of astronomy].Central Asia, 1779 CE = 1193 H.

  • [Almanac]. Ottoman manuscript almanac.Ottoman Turkey, 1840 CE = 1256 Rumi.

  • [Almanac]. Ottoman manuscript almanac.Ottoman Turkey, 1828/29 CE = 1244 H.

  • [Almanac]. Ottoman manuscript almanac.Ottoman Turkey, 1830/31 CE = 1246 H.

  • [Almanac]. Persian manuscript almanac.Qajar Iran, 1869 CE = 1285 H.

  • Alpine Gesellschaft "D'Ödsteiner". Sitzungsprotokolle.Wien, 1920-1926.

  • Al-Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya (Rhazes). Nonus Almansoris, fol. 1. [Illuminated manuscript leaf].France Montpellier or Paris?, 14th century CE.

  • Alter, Franz Carl. Ueber georgianische Litteratur.Wien, 1798.

  • Amuli, Muhammad bin Mahmud. Nafayis al-Funun [Treasures of Sciences].Persia or Central Asia, 17th century CE.

  • [Anatomy of the Ottoman Empire]. L'Anatomie de l'Empire des Ottomans. Declarant l'Origine, Conquestes, Loix, …No place, 1661.

  • [Andachtsbüchlein]. Schöne Gebeter aus Karl H. Seibt herausgezogene Andachts-Übungen als …O. O., 1 Jan 1796.

  • Ansari Shirazi, Ali ibn Husayn [Zayn-e-Attar]. Ikhtiyarat-i Badi'i [Selections for Badi'i].Central Asia, 1608 CE = 1017 H.

  • [Anti-Jesuit sonnet]. "Per la soppressione della Compagnia di Gesù". Manuscript copy of a sonnet.No place, 16 Aug 1773.

  • [Antiphonar]. Einzelblatt aus einem Antiphonar.Wohl Spanien, 18. Jahrhundert.


Showing items 1–48 of 628 (General manuscripts)

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