
Showing items 1–48 of 398 (America)

  • [Adametz, Teresa, Chilean educator (1846-1917)]. Lira Chilena. El 3er Curso de la Escuela Normal de Preceptoras. Dedica …Santiago de Chile, 15 Oct 1888.

  • Placeholder

    Agwani, Mohammed Shafi. The United States and the Arab World 1945-1952.Aligarh, 1955.

  • Aldrin, Edwin, astronaut (b. 1930). Portrait photograph (reproduction) with autogr. dedication signed.No place or date.

  • Algarotti, Francesco. Lettres du comte Algarotti sur la Russie [...]. Traduit de l'Italien. Seconde …Neuchatel, 1770.

  • Alms, James, captain of the H.M.S. Monmouth (1728-1791). Monmouth's Log Book.Bay of Madras and other places, 1783-1784.

  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Vol. 47, …Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1963.

  • [American Committee for Relief in the Near East]. "The Child at Your Door" 400,000 Orphans Starving No State Aid Available …New York, 1918-1919.

  • [American Presidents]. Washington, George, first President of the USA (1732-1799, served from 1789 to 1797), and three successors. Four signatures of Presidents of the United States.Wayne, New Jersey Headquarters, 11 July 1780 and undated.

  • [American ships - Sketch book]. [Drawings of U.S. Navy ships and other vessels].United States of America, between 1810-1832 or after 1832?.

  • [American-Austrian commercial treaty]. [Treaty of Commerce and Navigation Between Austria-Hungary and The United …Vienna, 1831.

  • [Amman, Jost/Weigel, Hans. Habitus praecipuorum populorum, tam virorum quam foeminarum singulari arte …Nuremberg, 1577.

  • [Apollo XII]. Ersttagsbrief mit eigenh. U. der drei Astronauten Charles Conrad, Richard …Cape Canaveral, 14 Nov 1969.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Aramco at Fifty. The Commemorative Video of Aramco's Fifty Years of Achievement.No place, 1993.

  • [Arabian American Oil Company]. Private archive of the Thomas family.Ras Tanura and Abqaiq, 1940s-1960s.

  • [Arabian American Oil Company]. Small archive of an Aramco employee.Dhahran and Maracaibo, 1950-1954.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Handbooks for American employees. Vols. I & II.New York?, 1952.

  • [Arabian American Oil Company]. Employee passports.Dhahran, 1955 and 1964.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Handbooks for American employees. Vols. I & II.New York?, 1952.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Air Freight Manifest.Dhahran, February 1954.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Transportation in Arabia.New York, 1969.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Drilling for oil in Saudi Arabia.New York, 1969.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Saudi Arabia.New York, 1969.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. The Building of Tapline.New York, 1969.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Arabian Peninsula.New York, 1969.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. The story of Arabian Medicine.New York, 1969.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Arabs and Arithmetic.New York, 1969.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Schools in Saudi Arabia.New York, 1969.

  • [Arabian American Oil Company]. Report No. ZD-340:006. Detail Type Specification for Consolidated Vultee …San Diego, CA, 1952.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. High School diploma.Dhahran, 21 Jul 1984.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Handbooks for American Employees. Vol. II.New York?, 1952.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Welcome to Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia, 1980s.

  • Arabian American Oil Company. Operation Tapline.New York, December 1957.

  • [Arabian American Oil Company] - Burnett, Steve. Arabic Word Forms.Dhahran, December 1952.

  • Armitage, Merle. George Gershwin.London, New York, Toronto, 1938.

  • Azofeifa, Isaac Felipe. Cancion.Santiago de Chile, 1964.

  • Baring, William Bingham, 2nd Baron Ashburton, American-born British businessman and politician (1799-1864). Autograph letter signed."J. B.", 16 Feb. 1843.

  • Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste, sculptor (1834-1904). Print with autograph signature.Paris, 1878.

  • Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste, French sculptor (1834-1904). Collotype with autograph inscription signed.N. p. o. d.

  • Basie, William James "Count", American jazz pianist and composer (1904-1984). Concert programme for the 1957 annual "Birdland" tour, "Birdland Stars …New York, 1957.

  • Behrendt, Ernst. Petroleum. Science Program.New York, 1966.

  • Benezet, [Anthony]. Some Historical Account of Guinea, its Situation, Produce, and the general …London, 1772.

  • [Bernstein, Leonard, Komponist, Dirigent und Pianist (1918-1990)]. Originalphotographie.Wohl Wien, ca. 1970er Jahre.

  • Bernstein, Leonard, American composer and conductor (1918-1990). Trio op. 2, Violin. Autograph musical manuscript signed ("Leonard Bernstein").No place, Oct.-Nov. 1936.

  • Bernstein, Leonard, Komponist, Dirigent und Pianist (1918-1990). Aushangzettel mit eigenh. U.Washington, D.C., 27. X. 1979.

  • Bernstein, Leonard, Komponist, Dirigent und Pianist (1918-1990). Portraitkarte mit eigenh. U.O. O. u. D.

  • Bernstein, Leonard, Komponist, Dirigent und Pianist (1918-1990). Portraitpostkarte mit eigenh. Notenzitat und U.O. O. u. D.

  • Big Chief White Horse Eagle, Indian Chief (1822[?]-after 1930). Autograph dedication signed, on printed portrait photograph.Adelaide Villa, Quarazze, Merano, Italy, November 20, 1929.

  • Placeholder

    Billie Holiday, American singer (1915-1959). Sepia publicity portrait signed.New York, autumn 1944.


Showing items 1–48 of 398 (America)

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