
Showing items 145–192 of 192 (India)

  • Pinto, Fernão Mendes. Les voyages advantureux de Fernand Mendez Pinto. Fidellement traduits de …Paris, 1645.

  • Powell, E[dward] Alexander. The Last Home of Mystery. Adventures in Nepal together with accounts of …Garden City, New York, 1929.

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  • [Punjab-British Secretariat]. Press lists of old records in the Punjab Secretariat. Volume VII. North-West …Lahore, 1915.

  • [Qur'an]. Kashmiri Qur'an manuscript.Kashmir, ca. 1800 CE.

  • [Qur'an]. Manuscript Qur'an commentary.Sultanate of Delhi, ca. 1490 CE, or 15th century.

  • Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, second President of India (1888-1975). Portrait photograph signed.No place or date.

  • [RAF - Middle East Force]. Air Route books for pilots flying from Cairo to Karachi. Navigation Branch …No place, 1944.

  • Rahbi, Muhammad Ibn Ali al- / Jones, William (transl.). The Mahomedan Law of succession to the property of intestates, in Arabick, …London, 1782.

  • Ram Mohan Roy, Raja, Indian social-religious reformer (1772-1833). Autograph letter signed.London, Regent's Park, 2 Aug 1831.

  • [Ramayana]. Ojha, Krittibas (transl.). The Balmiki-Ramayun, Translated into Bengalee by Kirti-Bas Pundit.Kolkata, 1857.

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  • [Royal Asiatic Society]. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.London, 1824-1834.

  • Rückert, Friedrich. Nal und Damajanti. Eine indische Geschichte. Zweite verbesserte Auflage.Frankfurt am Main, 1838.

  • Saadi. Kulliyat-i Sa'di (Saadi's Collected Works).Lucknow & Cawnpore, 1869-1917.

  • Sale, Sir Robert H. (et al.). The Defence of Jellalabad [...] drawn on stone by W. L. Walton.London, 1845/1846.

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  • Sawyer, Cornelius, British mariner and draughtsman (fl. 1830s). Manuscript notebook.Mostly Bengal, 1834.

  • Schaeuffelen, Eugenie. Meine indische Reise. Als Manuskript gedruckt.München, 1904.

  • Schlegel, August Wilhelm, Literaturhistoriker und Indologe (1767-1845). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Paris, 23 Sep 1817.

  • [Scrap book - Asia and Middle East]. The Callender scrap book.England, USA, Austria, Germany, Bermuda, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Malaya, Bombay, Aden, 1916-1950s.

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  • Shah Arzani, Muhammad Akbar ibn Muhammad. Tibb-i Akbari [Medicine of Akbar].India, ca. 1780 / 18th century CE.

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  • [Siam - Thailand]. McFarland, Samuel Gamble, ed. Siamese hymnal.Phetchaburi in Thailand, 1876.

  • Simpson, William / Kaye, John William. India Ancient and Modern. A Series of Illustrations of the Country and …London, 1867.

  • Singh, Dinesh, Minister of External Affairs of India (1925-1995). Portrait photograph signed.No place or date.

  • Sirvanli, Ahmet Hamdi Efendi. Hindistan ve Svat ve Afganistan seyahatnamesi.Istanbul, 1883 CE = 1300 H.

  • [Sri Lanka - palm leaf book]. [Sinhalese palm-leaf manuscript].Sri Lanka, 19th century.

  • [Sri Lanka - Photographie]. Scowen, Charles T. Kandy Lake & Cabbage Palms.Kandy, 1880er Jahre.

  • Strahan, C[harles]. General Report on the Operations of the Survey of India Department Administered …Calcutta, 1898.

  • Sulayman al-Tajir / Abu Zaid Hasan ibn Yazid, al-Sirafi / Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint (transl.). [Silsilat al-tawarik]. Relation des voyages faits par les Arabes et les …Paris, 1845.

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  • Tagore, Rabindranath, Schriftsteller und Nobelpreisträger (1861-1941). Portraitpostkarte mit eigenh. U.O. O., 14 Nov 1928.

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  • Tayler, William. Sketches Illustrating the Manners and Customs of the Indians and Anglo …London, 1842.

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  • Wellesley, Richard Colley, 1st Marquess Wellesley, Anglo-Irish statesman (1760-1842). Autograph letter signed.No place or date.

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Showing items 145–192 of 192 (India)

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