Islamic World

Showing items 2785–2832 of 2994 (Islamic World)

  • [Union of Arab National Olympic Committees]. First Pan-Arab Games.Alexandria, 1953.

  • [United Arab Airlines]. United Arab Airlines. South Eastern Network. Eastern Network.No place, 1959.

  • United Arab Airlines. 2 ticket holders and matches.No place, ca. 1960.

  • [United Arab Airlines]. Fly United Arab Airlines Jets. Egypt.London, 1960s.

  • [United Arab Emirates]. Strait of Hormuz (548). GSGS 4695. Edition 2.London, 1955.

  • [United Arab Emirates]. USAF Pilotage Chart. Ash Sharigah (548 D). Trucial Oman.Washington, DC, 1948-1950.

  • [United Arab Emirates]. S.E. Arabia. Series GSGS 4802, Sheet 1 [Trucial Coast]. Edition 2-GSGS.London, 1956.

  • [United Arab Emirates]. S.E. Arabia. Series GSGS 4802, Sheet 1 [Trucial Coast]. Edition 2-GSGS.London, 1956.

  • [United Arab Emirates]. Al Sharjah. Series K563 (GSGS 4851) NG-40-9 & 10, Edition 1.London, 1957.

  • [United Arab Emirates - Oman]. Sharjah - Salala.No place, probably 1960s.

  • [United Arab Republic]. Kharitat al-Jumhuriyah al-'Arabiyah al-Muttahidah (Map of the United Arab …Damascus, ca. 1958.

  • [United Arab Republic]. The U.A.R. Year Book 1960.Cairo, 1960.

  • [United Nations - Middle East]. 5 "Restricted" Reports of the United Nations on Economics in the Middle …No place, 1948.

  • United Nations - UNRWA. Annual Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency …New York, 1955.

  • [United Nations - UNSCOP]. Report to the General Assembly by the United Nations Special Committee …London, 1947.

  • United States Army School, Europe - Intelligence Department. Strategic Survey of the Middle East. (And:) Middle East - Sociological …Oberammergau, Germany, 1962.

  • [United States Geological Survey of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Saudi Arabia Geologic Maps (GM) series. Six maps.Reston, VA / Jiddah, 1975-1991.

  • [United States Geological Survey of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Saudi Arabia Landsat Image Maps, OF-02 series (1:250,000 and 1:500,000). …Reston, VA / Jiddah, 1982.

  • [United States Geological Survey of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Saudi Arabia Index Maps (1:4,000,000). 6 maps.Reston, VA / Jiddah, 1980-1981.

  • [United States Geological Survey of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Saudi Arabia Landsat Image Maps (1:500,000). 4 maps.Reston, VA / Jiddah, 1980.

  • [United States Geological Survey of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Saudi Arabia Landsat Image Maps (1:250,000). 20 maps.Reston, VA / Jiddah, 1979-1981.

  • [United States Geological Survey of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Bramkamp, Richard A. / Ramirez, Leon F. Geographic Map of the Central Persian Gulf Quadrangle Kingdom of Saudi …Washington, D.C., 1959-1961 CE = 1378-1380 H.

  • Unsuri, Abu al-Qasim Hasan. Masnavi-i Vamiq va 'Azra [Metiochus and Parthenope].Persia, 19th century.

  • Upton, Peter. Farida. Royal Jordanian Stud.No place, 1984.

  • Upton, Peter. An Arab mounted on a grey Arabian mare with a Bedouin encampment in the …No place, 1974.

  • Upton, Peter. A grey Arab mare by a Bedouin tent with four falcons on stands.No place, 1977.

  • Upton, Peter. Roxira.No place, ca. 1987.

  • Upton, Peter. Portraits of three Arab mares Gold Roseifa, Russallka and Roxira.No place, 1987.

  • Upton, Peter. Gold Roseifa.No place, c. 1987.

  • Upton, Roger D. Newmarket & Arabia. An Examination of the Descent of Racers and Coursers.London, 1873.

  • [Urdu Mirror for Princes]. Hindustani Stories.Probably Kashmir, early 19th century CE.

  • [Urmawi, Al-]. [Al-Risalah al Sharafiyyah fi Nisab al-ta ‘lifiyyah - turcice.] Er-Risâletü’s-Serefiyye …Ottoman Turkey, ca. 1900.

  • Urmawi, Arafa bin Muhammad al-. Al-Turuq al-Wadihat fi 'Amal al-Munashkat.Ottoman Provinces, 1591/92 CE = 1000 H.

  • [Urquhart, David]. Turkey and its resources: its municipal organization and free trade; the …London, 1833.

  • Urreta, Louis. Historia de la Sagrada Orden de Predicadores en los remotos Reynos de la …Valencia, 1611.

  • U.S. Army. Untitled printed WWII document for American soldiers in the Middle East.No place or date but early 1940s.

  • [U.S. Army Air Forces]. US Army Air Forces. Long Range Navigation Chart. Arabia, Restricted.Washington, D.C., 1944.

  • U.S. Army Gulf Command. Souvenir of an Accomplishment.Tehran, 1944.

  • [U.S. Navy]. Air Navigation Chart. Mercator Projection. No. V-30-40. Restricted.Washington, D.C., 1943.

  • [U.S. Navy Survey Mission to the Gulf]. Persian Gulf Cruise. Task Unit 48.4.7. 1959-1960.Hannibal, Missouri, 1960.

  • Usamah ibn Munqidh / Derenbourg, Hartwig (ed.). [Kitab al-I'tibar, French]. Souvenirs historiques et récits de chasse …Paris, 1895.

  • Placeholder

    Ustarushani, Majd al-Din Muhammad ibn Mahmud Al-. Fatawa.Central Asia, 1239/40 CE = 637 H.

  • Vaelckeren, Johann Peter a. A Relation or Diary of the Siege of Vienna.London, 1684.

  • Vaissette, J[oseph]. Géographie historique, ecclésiastique et civile, ou description de toutes …Paris, 1755.

  • Valentine, W[illiam] H[enry]. Modern Copper Coins of the Muhammadan States of Turkey, Persia, Egypt, …London, 1911.

  • Valeriani, Domenico / Segato, Girolamo. Nuova illustrazione istorico-monumentale del basso e dell'alto Egitto. …Florence, 1836-1837 text & 1837-1841 plates.

  • Valgrisi, Vicenzo. Tabula Asiae VI.Venedig, 1562.

  • Valgrisi, Vicenzo. Arabia felice nuova tavola.Venedig, 1562.


Showing items 2785–2832 of 2994 (Islamic World)

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