
Showing items 1–48 of 92 (Slavery)

  • (Albertus, Fr[iedrich] Gottl[ieb]). Die merkwürdige Lebensbeschreibung des unglücklich reisenden Uhrmachergesellen, …No place or printer, c. 1806.

  • [Allais, Denis Vairasse d' / Skinner, Thomas]. Geographisches Kleinod, aus zweyen sehr ungemeinen Edelgesteinen bestehend …Sultzbach, 1689.

  • Amaral, José Rodrigues Coelho do, Portuguese Naval Minister (1808-1873). Document signed.Lisbon, 7 Mar 1868.

  • [Arabian Gulf]. Pelly, Lewis, et al. The Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society. From January 1863 …Bombay, 1865.

  • Benezet, [Anthony]. Some Historical Account of Guinea, its Situation, Produce, and the general …London, 1772.

  • Berlioux, Etienne Félix. The Slave-Trade in Africa in 1872. Principally carried on for the supply …London, 1872.

  • [Brazilian mining - East d’el Rey Mining Company, Minas Gerais]. 3 manuscript documents and 2 watercolour plans.Sabará and n. p., 1868.

  • Cohen, Irving S. The Negro in American History. Curriculum Bulletin. 1964-1965 Series. No. …New York, 1964.

  • Colomb, Philip Howard. Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean. A record of naval experiences.London, 1873.

  • Colomb, Philip Howard. Slave-catching in the Indian Ocean. A record of naval experiences.London, 1873.

  • [Compagnie des Indes]. État actuel de l'Inde, et considérations sur les établissemens & …London & Paris, 1787.

  • Cooper, Joseph. The Lost Continent; or, Slavery and the Slave-Trade in Africa.London, 1875.

  • Devereux, William Cope. A Cruise in the "Gorgon;" or, Eighteen months on H.M.S. "Gorgon," Engaged …London, 1869.

  • [East India Company]. The Law, Relating to India, and the East-India Company; With Notes and …London, 1855.

  • Fourier, Charles / Dain, Charles. De l’Abolition de l’Esclavage [...]. (Extrait de La Phalange, Journal …Paris, 1836.

  • Frank, Ludwig. Memoire sur le Commerce des Negres.Paris, 1802.

  • Gladstone, William Ewart, British Prime Minister and politician (1809-1898). Autograph letter signed.London, 22 Nov 1882.

  • Grandpré (Degrandpré), L[ouis Marie Joseph O’Hier comte de]. A voyage in the Indian Ocean and to Bengal, undertaken in the year 1790 …Brattleboro, Vermont, 1814.

  • Gusmieri, Antonio di, Venetian merchant (fl. early 15th century). Autograph letter signed.Alexandria, 19 Jan 1421.

  • Kemble, Fanny, British actress (1809-1893). Autograph letter (but signature clipped).Rome, ca. 1845.

  • Kirk, John, British administrator in Zanzibar (1832-1922); co-explorer with David Livingstone. Autograph letter signed ("very sincerely John Kirk").Zanzibar, 14 Jul 1868.

  • Kirk, John, British administrator in Zanzibar (1832-1922); co-explorer with David Livingstone. Autograph letter signed.Zanzibar, 3 Aug 1884.

  • Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, American poet (1807-1882). Autograph letter signed ("Henry W. Longfellow").Cambridge near Boston, 15.02.1862

  • Lyon, George Francis. A Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa, in the Years 1818, 19, and 20. …London, 1821.

  • Maggio, Francesco Maria. Vita, e morte del venerabil P. F. Alipio di S. Giuseppe Scalzo di S. Agostino …Rome, 1657.

  • [Maritime History - States General]. Recuëil van alle de placaten, ordonnantien, resolutien, instructien, lysten …The Hague, 1701-1773.

  • Palmerston (3rd Viscount), Henry John Temple, British Prime Minister (1784-1865). Letter signed.London, Foreign Office, 14 Aug 1838.

  • Pinto, Fernão Mendes. Les voyages advantureux de Fernand Mendez Pinto. Fidellement traduits de …Paris, 1645.

  • Pitt, William. Speech of the Right Honourable William Pitt, on a Motion for the Abolition …London, 1792.

  • [Slave Trade]. Anno primo Victoriae Reginae. Cap. XIX. An Act to Amend the Act for the …London, 1838.

  • [Slave Trade]. Parliamentary Acts relating to abolition and the suppression of the slave …London, 1798-1879.

  • [Slave Trade]. Anno Quadragesimo Septimo Georgii III. Regis. Cap. XXXVI. An Act for the …London, 1807.

  • [Slave Trade]. The Parliamentary Register; or History of the Proceedings and Debates of …London, 1794.

  • [Slave Trade]. Parliamentary Acts relating to the abolition and suppression of the slave …London, 1806-1839.

  • [Slave Trade]. Correspondence with the British Commissioners, relating to the Slave Trade.London, 1827-1838.

  • [Slave Trade]. Anno decimo sexto Victoriae Reginae. Cap. XVI. An Act for carrying into …London, 1853.

  • [Slave Trade]. Class B. Correspondence with British Ministers and Agents in Foreign Countries, …London, 1853.

  • [Slave trade]. Sales document of an Ottoman slave trader.No place, 11 May 1864 CE = 4 Zilhicce 1280 H.

  • [Slave Trade]. Class A. Correspondence with the British commissioners at Sierra Leone, …London, 1844.

  • [Slave Trade]. Slave Trade. No. 1 (1888). Correspondence relative to the Slave Trade: …London, 1888.

  • [Slave Trade]. Slave Trade. No. 1 (1887). Correspondence relative to the Slave Trade: …London, 1887.

  • [Slave Trade]. Slave Trade. No. 8 (1874). Correspondence with British representatives …London, 1874.

  • [Slave Trade]. Africa. No. 8A (1890). Translations of Protocols and General Act of the …London, 1890.

  • [Slave Trade]. Africa. No. 3 (1900). Correspondence respecting Slavery and the Slave Trade …London, 1900.

  • [Slave Trade]. Africa. No. 6 (1892). Papers relative to Slave Trade and slavery in Zanzibar. …London, 1892.

  • [Slave Trade]. Africa. No. 6 (1891). Papers relating to the trade in slaves from East …London, 1891.

  • [Slave Trade]. Africa. No. 7 (1888). Reports on Slave Trade on the East Coast of Africa: …London, 1888.

  • [Slave Trade]. Class B. East Coast of Africa. Correspondence respecting the Slave Trade …London, 1873.


Showing items 1–48 of 92 (Slavery)

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