Illustrated books
Showing items 49–96 of 594 (Illustrated books)
Bhagavad-Gita.Northern India, ca. 1850.
€ 8,500.00 -
Miniature Bhagavad-Gita manuscript.Probably Kashmir or Punjab / Northern India, ca. 1845 / mid-19th century CE.
€ 18,000.00 -
Bhagavad-Gita.India or Nepal, mid-19th century CE / ca. 1850.
€ 6,500.00 -
De tribus generibus instrumentorum musicae veterum organicae dissertatio.Rome, 1742.
€ 2,800.00 -
Evangelium Sanctum Domini nostri Jesu Christi conscriptum a quatuor evangelistis …Rome, 1591.
€ 15,000.00 -
Biblia latina. Illuminated manuscript on vellum.Southern Italy, ca. 1260.
€ 480,000.00 -
The Gospel of John.Italy, ca. 1300.
€ 12,500.00 -
Komste van Zyne Majesteit Willem III. Koning van Groot Britanje, enz. in …The Hague, 1691.
€ 2,000.00 -
Travels in Luristan and Arabistan.London, 1845.
€ 8,500.00 -
Schola militaris moderna. Oder Neu vermehrte Kriegs-Schule [...].Jena, 1674.
€ 1,800.00 -
Triumphus novem saeculorum imperii Romano-Germanici, Leopoldo Magno [...].Vienna, 1700.
€ 1,500.00 -
Triumphus novem seculorum imperii Romano-Germanici, Carolo Magno [...].Augsburg, 1725.
€ 1,800.00 -
Tapis de l'Asie Centrale.St. Petersburg and Leipzig, 1908.
€ 5,000.00 -
Il Solimano Tragedia.Florence, 1620.
€ 7,500.00 -
Die Legend des heyligen Vatters Francisci. Nach der Beschreybung des Engelischen …Nuremberg, 7 April 1512.
€ 18,500.00 -
[Liber horarum - Use of Rouen].Rouen, ca. 1480 last quarter of the 15th century CE.
€ 65,000.00 -
[Liber horarum - Use of Rouen].Rouen, Normandy, ca. 1480.
€ 165,000.00 -
[Livre d'heures].No place, 1873.
€ 8,500.00 -
La Chine et les Chinois.Paris, 1842.
€ 35,000.00 -
Betrachtungen und Einfälle über die Bauart der Privatgebäude in Teutschland.Augsburg, 1779.
€ 4,800.00 -
Une petite cité caravaniere: Suhné.Damascus and Paris, 1937.
€ 850.00 -
Les Arts Arabes. Architecture - Menuiserie - Bronzes - Plafonds - Revêtements …Paris, 1873.
€ 8,500.00 -
The Draughts of the Most Remarkable Fortified Towns of Europe, in 44 Copper …London, 1701.
€ 2,500.00 -
Memoires du voiage de Constantinople de Jacques de Bracle seigneur de Bassecourt. …No place, ca. 1570.
€ 250,000.00 -
Stultifera navis. Tr: Jacobus Locher Philomusus. Add: Thomas Beccadelli; …Basel, 1 Mar 1498.
€ 18,000.00 -
[Bigdê kohanîm], id est vestitus sacerdotum hebraeorum, sive commentarius …Amsterdam, 1680.
€ 1,200.00 -
Schluß-Apotheose der Kaiser-Ouverture für großes Orchester (u. Männerchor …Vienna, 1873.
€ 3,500.00 -
Gockel, Hinkel und Gackeleia. Ein Märchen.Frankfurt, 1838.
€ 5,000.00 -
La Chine en Miniature, au Choix de Costumes, Arts et Métiers de cet Empire.Paris, 1811.
€ 4,500.00 -
La Russie, ou moeurs, usages, et costumes des habitans de toutes les provinces …Paris, 1813.
€ 2,500.00 -
L'Égypte et la Syrie, ou moeurs, usages, costumes et monumens des Égyptiens, …Paris, 1814.
€ 7,500.00 -
Les Carreaux de faïence peints dans l'Afrique du Nord.Paris, 1930.
€ 850.00 -
Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn, door de vermaardste deelen van Klein Asia, …Delft, 1698.
€ 6,500.00 -
Kammavaca manuscript.Myanmar Burma, 19th century CE.
€ 5,000.00 -
Phra Malai Kham Luang [The Fable of Phra Malai].Thailand, 19th or early 20th century CE.
€ 9,500.00 -
Phra Malai Kham Luang [The Fable of Phra Malai].Thailand, late 19th / early 20th century CE.
€ 6,500.00 -
[The Fable of Phra Malai].Sri Lanka or Thailand, 19th century CE.
€ 9,500.00 -
Rariorum Africanarum plantarum, ad vivum delineatum, iconibus ac descriptionibus …Amsterdam, 1738-1739.
€ 12,500.00 -
Unexplored Syria. Visits to the Libanus, the Tulul el Safa, the Anti-Libanus, …London, 1872.
€ 3,500.00 -
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah.London, 1855-1856.
€ 15,000.00 -
Quae extant omnia. Italica versione, e ms. codice ad hodiernum stylum accommodata; …Venice, 1737.
€ 4,500.00 -
Uncle Joseph's Pretty Stories About the Camel.New York, ca. 1840s.
€ 850.00 -
Grandmamma Easy's Pretty Stories About the Camel.London, 1854.
€ 850.00 -
Present day impressions of the Far East and prominent and progressive Chinese …London, 1917.
€ 6,500.00 -
Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, &c. illustrated.London u. a., 1836-1838.
€ 850.00 -
Taschenbuch für das Carneval. Le carnaval ou representation d'une collection …Leipzig, 1804.
€ 4,500.00 -
Historisch-mahlerische Reise durch Syrien, Phönicien und Nieder-Ägypten.Vienna, 1805.
€ 950.00 -
Moeurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire.Paris, 1812.
€ 15,000.00
Showing items 49–96 of 594 (Illustrated books)
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