Iraq & Mesopotamia

Showing items 97–144 of 174 (Iraq & Mesopotamia)

  • [Map - Saudi Arabia - Jordan]. USAF aeronautical chart and information service. World aeronautical chart …Washington, DC, 1958.

  • [Map of Arabia.] Brion de la Tour, Louis. Perse, Turquie Asiatique et Arabie.Paris, 1799.

  • [Map of Iraq]. Irak. Spravochnaia karta. B-1795.Moskva, 1974.

  • (Mason, Kenneth; A. N. Sherwin-White et al.). Iraq and the Persian Gulf.Oxford, 1944.

  • Maxwell, William John Leigh. Letters of an Engineer While on Service in Syria. In Connection with the …London, 1886.

  • May, Karl. Babel und Bibel. Arabische Fantasia in zwei Akten.Freiburg i. Br., 1906.

  • Mercier, Jean. [Luah diqduqa kasda 'a 'o-Arama 'a]: Tabulae in Grammaticen linguae Chaldeae, …Paris, 29 Nov. 1560.

  • [Mesopotamia]. Lower Mesopotamia Between Baghdad and the Persian Gulf.London, 1917.

  • [Mesopotamia & Syria]. Kiepert, Richard. Syrien und Mesopotamien zur Darstellung der Reise des Dr. Max Freiherrn …Berlin, 1915.

  • Mesopotamia Commission. Report of the Commission Appointed by Act of Parliament to Enquire Into …London, 1917.

  • [Mesopotamia]. Indian Army General Staff. For official use only. Field notes. Mesopotamia. General staff, India. …Calcutta, 1917.

  • [Mesopotamian Campaign]. Introduction to the register of the Basra Memorial, 'Iraq. Bearing the …London, 1930.

  • [Mesopotamian Campaign]. Critical Study of the Campaign in Mesopotamia up to April 1917. Part II …Calcutta, 1925.

  • [Mesopotamian clay tablet]. Mesopotamian cuneiform clay tablet.Mesopotamia, early 2nd millennium BCE.

  • Middle East Studies Association of North America. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin [8 issues].New York, 1973-1978.

  • Musil, Alois. The Northern Hegaz. Arabia Deserta. The Middle Euphrates. Palmyrena. Northern …New York, 1926-1928.

  • Naval Intelligence Division - Great Britain. A Handbook of Mesopotamia.London, 1916-1918.

  • [Naval Review]. The Naval Review. Vol. III, No. 4. November, 1915.London, 1915.

  • Niebuhr, Carsten. Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen.Amsterdam & Utrecht, 1776-1780.

  • [Oil Industry in the Middle East]. Mapah ha-neft ba-mizrah ha-tikhon (Map of the Oil Industry in the Middle …Jerusalem, 1963.

  • [Old Babylonian]. Old Babylonian cuneiform clay tablet: an inventory of drivers of plough …Mesopotamia, Third Dynasty of Ur late 3rd millennium BCE.

  • Oppenheim, Max von. Vom Mittelmeer zum Persischen Golf durch den Hauran, die Syrische Wüste …Berlin, 1899-1900.

  • Oppenheim, Max von. Die Beduinen.Leipzig, 1939-1968.

  • [Ottoman Postal Service]. [List of postal items, sent from Mosul to Diyarbekir].Mosul now Iraq, 24 Nov 1850.

  • Oxenstierna, Bengt / Laurelius, Olof. Lijkpredican, öfwer then ädle och högwälborne herre, Herr Bengt Oxenstierna, …Stockholm, 1644.

  • [Palestine / Transjordan - Royal Air Force]. No. 1 and No 2 Armoured Car Companies, RAF. Three photograph albums.Egypt, Palestine and Transjordan, 1922-1925.

  • [Persia]. Tribes and Personalities of Western Persia.Baghdad, 1918.

  • [Persia and Iraq Force - Paiforce]. Services Guide to Iraq.No place or date but Iraq, likely Baghdad , ca. 1942.

  • [Persia and Iraq Force - Paiforce]. Baghdad to Beirut 1944.Possibly Baghdad, 1944.

  • [Persia and Iraq Force - Paiforce - Women]. Confidential - 154th Yeomanry Field Regiment R.A.London, March 1945.

  • [Persian Gulf Gazetteer]. [Confidential] Extract from the Persian Gulf Gazetteer.Calcutta, 1917.

  • [Persian Telegraph]. Goldsmid, Frederic John. Telegraph and Travel. A Narrative of the Formation and Development of Telegraphic …London, 1874.

  • [Petroleum Bulletin] Nashrah al-batruliyah. [Petroleum Bulletin].Egypt, ca. 1958.

  • Philby, Harry St John Bridger. The Eastern Marshes of Mesopotamia (In: The Geographical Journal Vol. CXXV …London, 1959.

  • [Philby, Harry St John Bridger]. Iraq in War Time. Al-Iraq fi zaman al-harb.Basrah, 1918.

  • [Philby, Harry St John Bridger]. Iraq in War Time. Al-Iraq fi zaman al-harb.Basrah, 1918.

  • [Photograph Album]. Life in England and Military Snap Shots in Iraq and Turkey.Iraq and Turkey, 1912-1920.

  • Powell, E[dward] Alexander. The Last Home of Mystery. Adventures in Nepal together with accounts of …Garden City, New York, 1929.

  • [RAF - Middle East Force]. Air Route books for pilots flying from Cairo to Karachi. Navigation Branch …No place, 1944.

  • Rauwolf, Leonhard. Beschreibung der Reyß [...], so er [...] gegen Auffgang in die Morgenländer, …Frankfurt a. M., 1582.

  • Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al- (Rhazes). Risalah fi taqdim al-fawakih qabl al-ta'am wa-ta'khiriha [A treatise on …Persia or Iraq, 14th century CE.

  • Redhouse, J[ames] W[illiam]. A Tentative Chronological Synopsis of the History of Arabia and its Neighbours …London, 1887.

  • Reichard, Christian Gottlieb. Persien nach seinem neuesten Zustande in das Oestliche und Westliche Reich …Weimar, 1804.

  • Rivoyre, Denis de. Obock, Mascate, Bouchire, Bassorah. Ouvrage illustré par Saint-Elme Gauthier …Paris, 1883.

  • Rouhani, Fuad, first Secretary General of OPEC (1907-2004). Typescript letter.Tehran, 17 Mar 1961.

  • [Royal Air Force - Middle East]. Report on flight from Baghdad to Egypt.RAF 31st Wing Headquarters, Baghdad, 22 Mar 1919.

  • [Royal Geographical Society]. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society.London, 1831-1880-1881.

  • Said, Nuri al-. Muhadirat `an al-harakat al-`askariyyah lil-jaysh al-`Arabi fi al-Hijaz …Baghdad, 1947.


Showing items 97–144 of 174 (Iraq & Mesopotamia)

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