Mecca, Medina

Showing items 49–96 of 115 (Mecca, Medina)

  • [Illustrated broadsheet - Mecca]. The draperies at the "Makam Ibrahim" (Abraham's Station) in Mecca.Weißenburg, c. 1880/88.

  • [Illustrated broadsheet - Medina]. Bird's-eye view of the Prophet's Mosque in Medina.Weißenburg, c. 1880/88.

  • [Islamic Holy Sites]. Islamic Holy Sites.No place or date, first third of 20th century.

  • [Islamic World]. El-Menoufi, Abul Faid (ed.). The Islamic World - Le Monde Islamique - Al-'Alam Al-Islami. (A Monthly …Cairo, 1949-1951 CE = 1369-1371 H.

  • Islamin Nuru [The Light of Islam]. Hicaz Rehberi. Haccin, Faydalarini, Yollarini, Tarifelerini, Dualarini …Istanbul, 1952.

  • [Jäger, Wolfgang?]. Leben und Meinungen Mahomeds, des Propheten der Muselmänner, und Stifters …Lausanne, 1789.

  • Kammerer, Albert. La Mer Rouge, l'Abyssinie et l'Arabie. Tome 2: Les guerres du poivre. Les …Cairo, 1935.

  • Kammerer, Albert. La Mer Rouge, l'Abyssinie et l'Arabie. Tome 2: Les guerres du poivre. Les …Cairo, 1935.

  • [Kiswah]. Parade of the Holy Carpet.Cairo, January 1938.

  • Lammens, Henri, SJ. L'Arabie occidentale avant l'Hegire.Beirut, 1928.

  • Laporte, [Joseph] de. Le Voyageur François, ou La Connoissance de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Monde. …Paris, 1766.

  • Lari, Muhi al-Din. Futuh al-Haramayn [Description of the Holy Cities].India or Persia, late 19th or early 20th century CE.

  • Mahmoud, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zaid al-. [Islam facilitates the provisions of Hajj to the Sacred House of God, including …Beirut and Damascus, no date.

  • Maillet, Benoît de. Description de l'Egypte, contenant plusieurs remarques curieuses sur la …Paris, 1735.

  • [Martin, F(redrick) R(obert)]. Morgenländische Stoffe in der Sammlung F. R. Martin.Stockholm, 1897.

  • [Mecca]. Mecca. Asia North F-37.London, 1944/1945.

  • [Mecca]. Mecca. Asia North F-37.London, 1941.

  • [Mecca]. Photograph of the Kaaba.Mecca, ca. 1885.

  • [Mecca]. Photograph of the Kaaba.Mecca, ca. 1885.

  • [Mecca]. Mecca. Asia North F-37.London, 1941.

  • Mecca. Manuscript map of the city and surroundings, captioned in Arabic and Ottoman …Mecca, ca. 1885.

  • [Mecca and Medina - Photography]. [Photographs of the Hajj].Saudi Arabia, 1950s.

  • [Mecca]. Piscator, Benedict A. (auct.) / Hermansson, Johannes (praes.). De Mecca, patria Muhammedis, schediasma.Uppsala, 1725.

  • [Mekka]. Mekke'nin Umumi Görünüsü [General View of Mecca].Probably Istanbul, 1950s.

  • [Monterroyo Mascarenhas, José Freire de]. Relaçam da solemne procissam de preces, que por ordem da Corte Ottomana …Lisbon, 1716.

  • Moritz, Bernhard. Bilder aus Palästina, Nord-Arabien und dem Sinai.Berlin, 1916.

  • [Mu'allaqat]. Johnson, F[rank] E[rnest]. [Al-Sab' al-mu'allaqat]. The Seven Poems, Suspended in the Temple of Mecca.Bombay, 1893.

  • Münster, Sebastian. Cosmographiae universalis lib. VI.Basel, March 1559.

  • Muhammad Atma Omar Mode Homa Faqih Camal. [Book of Shafiism].Probably Ottoman Arabia, 1806/07 CE = 1221 H.

  • Niebuhr, Carsten. Description de l'Arabie, d'après les observations et recherches faites …Paris, 1779.

  • Niebuhr, Carsten, et al. (Johan Louis Gerlagh, compiler and draftsman). Aanteekeningen uit de Reise naar Arabie, en andere omliggende landen, van …Hoeven near Breda?, 1785.

  • Pano y Ruata, Mariano de. Las coplas del peregrino de Puey Monçon, viaje a la Meca en el siglo XVI.Zaragoza, 1897.

  • Rakbani, Omar al-. Kitab rihlat alsayf: Rihlat al-Hijâz [The Book of Summer Trips: Journey …Tunis, 1947 CE = 1316 H.

  • Rathjens, Carl. Die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka. Von der Weihrauchstraße zur Ölwirtschaft.Hamburg, 1948.

  • Roberts, Frederick. Egypt to Hedjaz and Hedjaz To-Day.Cairo, 1931.

  • Robinson, Arthur E. The Mahmal of the Moslem Pilgrimage.London, 1931.

  • Rooke, Henri. Voyage sur les côtes de l'Arabie heureuse, sur la Mer Rouge et en Egypte. …London, 1788.

  • Sadiq Bey, Muhammad / Snouck Hurgronje, Christian / Al-Sayyid 'Abd al-Ghaffar. [5 photographic lantern slides of Mecca and Medina (silver gelatin glass …Stuttgart, ca. 1910.

  • Sanusi, Muhammad (ibn 'Uthman) as- / Shanufi, 'Ali (ed.). [Ar-rihla al-hijaziyya]. Ar-rihla al-higaziyya. Relation de voyage au Higaz. …Tunis, 1976-1981 CE = 1396-1402 H.

  • Sionita, Gabriel. Arabia, seu Arabum vicinarumque gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, sacri …Amsterdam, 1635.

  • Sionita, Gabriel. Arabia, seu Arabum vicinarumque gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, sacri …Amsterdam, 1633.

  • Sirvanli, Ahmet Hamdi Efendi. Hindistan ve Svat ve Afganistan seyahatnamesi.Istanbul, 1883 CE = 1300 H.

  • [Slave Trade]. Slave Trade. No. 3 (1878). Correspondence with British representatives …London, 1878.

  • [Slave Trade]. Slave Trade. No. 1 (1888). Correspondence relative to the Slave Trade: …London, 1888.

  • [Slave Trade]. Slave Trade. No. 1 (1884). Correspondence with British representatives …London, 1884.

  • Snouck Hurgronje, Christian. Mekka. (And:) Bilder-Atlas zu Mekka.Haag, 1888-1889.

  • Snouck Hurgronje, Christian. Bilder aus Mekka.Leiden, 1889.

  • Snouck Hurgronje, Christian. Mekka. (And:) Bilder-Atlas zu Mekka.Haag, 1888-1889.


Showing items 49–96 of 115 (Mecca, Medina)

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