Islamic World

Showing items 2065–2112 of 2810 (Islamic World)

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  • Raczynski, Edward. Dziennik podrozy do Turcyi odbytey w roku MDCCCXIV.Breslau, 1821.

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  • Rahbi, Muhammad Ibn Ali al- / Jones, William (transl.). The Mahomedan Law of succession to the property of intestates, in Arabick, …London, 1782.

  • Rainer Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria (1827-1913). View of Jerusalem.No place, 1844.

  • Rakbani, Omar al-. Kitab rihlat alsayf: Rihlat al-Hijâz [The Book of Summer Trips: Journey …Tunis, 1947 CE = 1316 H.

  • Ramsay, C. R. / Basahel, A. N. / Jackson, N. J. Petrography, Geochemistry and Origin of the Volcano-sedimentary succession …Jeddah, 1981.

  • Ramusio, Giovanni Battista. Delle navigationi et viaggi in molti luoghi corretta, et ampliata, nella …Venice, 1554-1574.

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  • Raswan, Carl. The Raswan Index and Handbook for Arabian Breeders. Volume I-VII.Acapulco/Mexico, 1957-1967.

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  • Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al- (Rhazes). Opus medicinae practicae saluberrium, antehac nusquam impressum, Galeatii …Hagenau, 25 Mar 1533.

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  • Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al- (Rhazes). Liber ad Almansorem sive Tractatus medicinae I-X. Liber divisionum. De …Venice, 7 Oct 1497.

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  • Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al- (Rhazes) / Alexander Trallianus. [Kitab al-Gadari wa 'l-Hasbah - latine.] Libri duodecim; Razae de pestilentia …Strasbourg, 1549.

  • Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al- (Rhazes) / Alexander Trallianus. [Kitab al-Gadari wa 'l-Hasbah - latine.] Libri duodecim. Razae de pestilentia …Venice, 1573.

  • [Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al- (Rhazes)] / Giachini, Leonardo. In nonum librum Rasis Arabis medici ad Almansorem regem, de partium morbis …Basel, 1563 - 1 Feb. 1564.

  • Razmara, Haji Ali. Farhang-e joghrafia Iran (Farhang-e jughrafiya'e Iran).Artash, 1949-1953 AD = 1328-1332 SH.

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Showing items 2065–2112 of 2810 (Islamic World)

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