Socialism, Communism

Showing items 1–48 of 455 (Socialism, Communism)

  • [Anarchism]. Freedom. A Journal of Libertarian Thought, Work and Literature.London, 1930-1933.

  • Aragon, Louis, French poet (1897-1982). Autograph manuscript signed ("Aragon").Moscow, 1932.

  • Bakunin, Mikhail, Russian revolutionary anarchist, and founder of collectivist anarchism (1814-1876). Autograph letter signed ("M. Bakunin").London, 15 Jan 1861.

  • Bebel, August, Politiker und Publizist, Mitbegründer der Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei (1840-1913). Albumblatt mit eigenh. U.Berlin, 8 May 1897.

  • Bebel, August, German socialist politician and one of the founders of the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany (1840-1913). Autograph letter, signed with initials.Berlin, 17 Oct 1903.

  • Bebel, August, German socialist politician, and writer (1840-1913). Autograph letter signed ("A. Bebel").Berlin, 30 Apr 1895.

  • Bebel, August / Engels, Friedrich. August Bebels Briefwechsel mit Friedrich Engels.The Hague, London& Paris, 1965.

  • Bebel, August / Kautsky, Karl. August Bebels Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky.Assen, 1971.

  • Becher, Johannes R., Schriftsteller und Politiker (1891-1958). Eigenhändige Sentenz mit U., zahlreichen eh. Korrekturen, eh. ausgefülltem …Berlin-Wilhelmsdorf, o. D.

  • Becher, Johannes R., Schriftsteller und Politiker (1891-1958). Ein Mensch unsrer Zeit in seinen Gedichten. 1911-1951.Berlin, 1951.

  • Becher, Johannes R., German politician, novelist, and poet (1891-1958). "Der Tag". Original typescript poem, signed and dated by Becher.Berlin, 17 Jul 1916.

  • [Becker, August]. Was ist ein Communist?Lausanne, 1844?.

  • Becker, Bernhard. Enthüllungen über das tragische Lebensende Ferdinand Lassalle's. Auf …Schleiz, 1868.

  • Benjamin, Hilde, Juristin und Politikerin (1902-1989). Gedruckte Danksagungskarte.Berlin, Februar 1967.

  • Bennigsen, Alexandre; Wimbush, S. Enders. Muslims of the Soviet Empire. A Guide.London, 1985.

  • Berlau, Ruth, Schauspielerin, Regisseurin und Photographin (1906-1974). Eigenh. Widmung mit U. ("deine Ruth").O. O., 16 Jun 1967.

  • Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). Autograph letter signed.N. p. o. d., "Vendredi".

  • Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). Autograph letter signed.Paris, 14 Apr 1880.

  • Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). 1 autograph letter and 4 autograph letters signed.Brighton, Paris & Bellevue, 1865-1890.

  • Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). Autograph letter signed.London, 10 Mar 1870.

  • Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). Autograph letter signed.No place, 25 Sep 1858.

  • Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). Autograph letter signed and autogr. note signed.Paris, 17 Jan. 1881 and undated.

  • Blanc, Louis, Politiker und Sozialist (1811-1882). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Paris, 31 Aug 1839.

  • Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). Portrait photograph.No place or date.

  • Blanc, Louis, Politiker und Sozialist (1811-1882). Eigenh. Brief mit U.O. O. u. D.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 15 Jun 1902.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and political writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.St Leonards-on-Sea , 14 August, no year.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 29 Jan 1889.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, July 25, no year.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.No place, March 25, no year.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.No place or date.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 14 Mar 1878.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 23 Feb 1883.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 6 Jul 1882.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 5 May 1884.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London

  • Blind, Karl, Revolutionär und Publizist (1826-1907). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Hampstead, 18 Feb 1899.

  • Blind, Karl, Revolutionär und Publizist (1826-1907). Eigenh. Brief mit U.London, 5 Apr 1872.

  • Brandweiner, Heinrich, Kirchen- und Völkerrechtler (1910-1997). Eigenh. Briefkarte mit U.Graz, 9 Jan 1966.

  • Brandweiner, Heinrich, Kirchen- und Völkerrechtler (1910-1997). 2 gedr. Visitkarten mit eigenh. Grußzeile und U.Graz, 1962 und 1963.

  • Braunthal, Julius. Geschichte der Internationale.Berlin & Bonn / Hannover, 1971-1974.

  • Brecht, Bertolt, German writer (1898-1956). Autograph quotation signed.Berlin, August 1928.

  • Brecht, Bertolt, Schriftsteller (1898-1956). "Texte für Kanon". Typoskript (Durchschlag) mit zwei eigenh. Korrekturen.O. O., um 1950.

  • Brentano, Lujo, Nationalökonom und Sozialreformer (1844-1931). Eigenhändige Sentenz mit U.O. O. u. D.

  • Breshkovsky, Catherine, Russian revolutionary (1844-1934). Autograph letter signed.Boston, 24 Feb 1905.

  • [British labour movement]. Collection of pamphlets.United Kingdom, 1839-1931 and no date.

  • Büchner, Ludwig, Arzt, Politiker und Philosoph (1824-1899). Eigenh. Notiz mit U.Darmstadt, 30 Oct 1880.

  • Burtsev, N. L. Narodovolets. Sotsial'no-politicheskoe obozrenie. No. 1.London, April 1897.


Showing items 1–48 of 455 (Socialism, Communism)

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