
Showing items 241–288 of 311 (Asia)

  • Pham Van Ðong, vietnamesischer Premierminister (1906-2000). Albumblatt mit eigenh. U.O. O. u. D.

  • [Pharmacology]. A collection of 82 wooden boards carved on both sides with 820 "labels", …Provincial southern China, 19th century.

  • Pimentel, Manoel. Arte de navegar em que se ensinam as regras praticas ... e roteyro das …Lisboa, 1746.

  • Pinto, Fernão Mendes. Les voyages advantureux de Fernand Mendez Pinto. Fidellement traduits de …Paris, 1645.

  • Pottier, François, French missionary in China and Vicar Apostolic of Sichuan (1726-1792). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by Pierre Lacerre, designated Vicar …Macau, 23 Nov 1755.

  • Prideaux, Humphrey. Mahometto Den. [Translated by Tadasu Hayashi].Tokyo, Meiji 9 1876.

  • Qi Baishi. Beijing Rong Bao Zhai Shi Jianpu.Beijing, 1953.

  • Qianlong, Emperor of China. [Pingding Xiyu zhantu]. Suite of engravings representing the military campaigns …Beijing, 1778-1785.

  • [Qur'an - Ming Dynasty]. Illuminated Chinese Qur'an.China, 1494/95 CE = 900 H.

  • [Qur'an Juz']. An illuminated Qur'an, Juz' XII.China, ca. 1800 CE.

  • [Qur'an Juz']. An illuminated Qur'an, Juz' X.China, ca. 1790 - later 18th century CE.

  • [Qur'an Juz']. An illuminated Qur'an, Juz' XXIX.China, ca. 1780 - 18th century CE.

  • [Qur'an]. Ma Tat Ng, Imam Muhammad Yaqub bin Ibrahim (compiler). Ya-Sin. A chapter in the Holy Quran.Hong Kong, 1965 CE = 1385 H.

  • Reymond, Claude-François de, French missionary in China and Vicar Apostolic of Sichuan (1720-1756). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by Pierre Lacerre, designated Vicar …N. p., 14 Feb 1756.

  • Ricci, Matteo / Trigault, Nicolas. De Christiana expeditione apud Sina suspecta ab Societate Jesu.Augsburg, 1615.

  • Roberts, David. The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia [...]. (And:) Egypt & Nubia, from …London, 1842-1849.

  • Roberts, Fred[erick]. Is an Invasion of India by Russia Possible?Colophon: Head Quarters, Madras Army, 31st December 1883.

  • [Royal Asiatic Society]. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.London, 1824-1834.

  • Salmon, Thomas / Goch, Matthias van. Hedendaegsche historie, of tegenwoordige staet van alle volkeren [...] …Amsterdam, 1729.

  • [Saudi Arabia and Yemen]. Collection of USAF Aeronautical Charts.Washington, DC, 1942 and 1944.

  • Schall [von Bell], Johann Adam. Historica narratio, de initio et progressu missionis Societatis Jesu apud …Vienna, 1665.

  • Scherzer, Carl von, Forschungsreisender und Diplomat (1821-1903). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Wohl Japan, Oktober 1869.

  • [Scrap book - Asia and Middle East]. The Callender scrap book.England, USA, Austria, Germany, Bermuda, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Malaya, Bombay, Aden, 1916-1950s.

  • Segalen, Victor, Gilbert de Voisins and Jean Lartigue. Mission archéologique en Chine (1914). L'art funéraire a l'époque des …Paris, 1923-1935.

  • [Shanghai and the Xinhai Revolution]. Photograph album.Shanghai, early 20th century.

  • [Shanghai, Huangpu River, Moganshan, Hangzhou]. Photograph album.Shanghai, Huangpu River, Moganshan, Hangzhou, ca. 1900.

  • [Siam - Thailand]. McFarland, Samuel Gamble, ed. Siamese hymnal.Phetchaburi in Thailand, 1876.

  • Siebert, Johann, Bohemian physician, mathematician, and Jesuit missionary in Vietnam (1708-1745). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by the Jesuit provincial of Japan, …Vietnam, 1746-1749.

  • [Silk and paint art piece]. Textile and gouache painting.Probably Central or Western Asia or Eastern Europe, ca. 1880s / late 19th century.

  • [Singapore]. Collection of 12 photographs.Singapore, ca. 1880/90.

  • Placeholder

    [Singapore]. Picture postcards.Singapore, ca. 1910.

  • [Singapore - Photographs]. Sachtler, August, and others. Views of Singapore and surroundings.Singapore, ca. 1870.

  • Sirén, Osvald. Les palais impériaux de Pékin. Deux cent soixante-quartorze planches …Paris & Brussels, 1926.

  • [Slave Trade]. Parliamentary Acts relating to abolition and the suppression of the slave …London, 1798-1879.

  • Sou, Paul, Chinese Lazarist missionary (ca. 1692-1770). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by the Bishop of Macau, Bartholomeu …Hia-su-hiang, 28 Aug 1744.

  • South East Asia. Fabric Map - South East Asia and Hong Kong. Restricted. G.S.G.S. (Misc) …London, 1954.

  • [Southeast Asia]. Eastwood, Kenneth. Collection of photographs.Malay Peninsula, Singapore and other places, ca. 1937-1938.

  • [Soviet General Staff Maps] - China 1:1,000,000. General'nyí shtab. (China 1:1,000,000).Moscow, 1971-1989.

  • [Soviet General Staff Maps] - China 1:200,000. General'nyí shtab. (China 1:200,000).Moscow, mainly 1970s and 1980s.

  • [Soviet General Staff Maps] - China 1:500,000. General'nyí shtab. (China 1:500,000).Moscow, 1970-1989.

  • [Soviet General Staff Maps] - Japan 1:200,000. General'nyí shtab. (Japan 1:200,000).Moscow, 1968-2002.

  • Sparrman, Anders. Iter in Chinam. Dissertation praeses Car. v. Linné.Upsala, no date 1768.

  • Spiess, Gustav. Die Preussische Expedition nach Ostasien während der Jahre 1860-1862. …Berlin & Leipzig, 1864.

  • [Sri Lanka - palm leaf book]. [Sinhalese palm-leaf manuscript].Sri Lanka, 19th century.

  • Staunton, Sir George. Voyage dans l'intérieur de la Chine et en Tartarie, fait dans les années …Paris, an 6 de la République 1798.

  • Stein, Marc Aurel. Ancient Khotan. Detailed Report of Archaeological Explorations in Chinese …Oxford, 1907.

  • Sulayman al-Tajir / Abu Zaid Hasan ibn Yazid, al-Sirafi / Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint (transl.). [Silsilat al-tawarik]. Relation des voyages faits par les Arabes et les …Paris, 1845.

  • Sulayman al-Tajir / Abu Zaid Hasan ibn Yazid, al-Sirafi / Renaudot, Eusèbe (ed.). [Silsilat al-tawarik - English]. Ancient Accounts of India and China, by …London, 1733.


Showing items 241–288 of 311 (Asia)

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