
Showing items 1–48 of 360 (Egypt)

  • Abbate, Washington. [Al-Asura]. Al-Achoura. Par Washington Abbate. (Croquis de l’auteur).Cairo, 1888.

  • [Ahmet Ibn Sirin]. [Kitab al-Jawami - French]. Apomazar des significations et evenemens des …Paris, 6 Oct. 1581.

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  • Ali Effendi. Specimen of Arabic calligraphy presented to Catherine Hutton, with added …England, 1826-1829.

  • Alpini, Prosper. De plantis exoticis libri duo.Venice, 1656.

  • Alpini, Prosper & Bontius, Jacob. De medicina Aegyptiorum, libri quatuor. Et Iacobi Bontii In Indiis archiatri, …Paris, 1645.

  • Al-Watwat al-Kutubi, Jamal al-Din Muhammad ibn Yahya. Gurar al-hasa'is al-wadiha wa-`urar an-naqa'is al-fadiha.Bulaq, 10-25 Jan. 1867 = second half of Ramadan 1284.

  • [Amman, Jost/Weigel, Hans. Habitus praecipuorum populorum, tam virorum quam foeminarum singulari arte …Nuremberg, 1577.

  • Ansary, S. E. / Andrawis, Samir F. / Fahmy, Saad E. Fourth Arab Petroleum Congress: Organized by the Secretariat General of …Cairo, 1963.

  • Antes, John. Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, the Overflowing …London, 1800.

  • Arab League. [First Arab Petroleum Congress, April 1959].Cairo, 1959.

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  • [Arabic dictionary manuscript]. "Vocabularium italico-arabicum". Arabic-Italian dictionary.Probably Egypt, ca. 1770.

  • [Ashtiname]. Ashtiname of the Prophet Muhammad, for the Christians of Egypt. Legal document …Ottoman Egypt, 18th century.

  • [Aswan Dam Construction]. A collection of more than 250 vintage photographs of the construction of …Upper Egypt, ca. 1899-1910.

  • [Australian Second Light Horse Brigade]. Duplicate typescript copies of confidential reports from HQ.Palestine, November/December 1917.

  • Azzam, 'Abd al-Wahhab. Rihlat.Cairo, 1939.

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  • Baignieres, Paul de / Abou Naddara. L'Égypte Satirique. Album d'Abou Naddara, illustré de 48 pages de gravues. …Paris, 1886.

  • Beato, Antonio. Vues d'Egypte. Photograph album.Cairo, ca. 1865.

  • [Beauchamp-Proctor, William, British Navy officer (1781-1861). Dictionary of Egypt].No place, ca. 1820.

  • Béchard, Émile. L'Égypte et la Nubie. Grand album monumental, historique, architectural.Paris, 1887.

  • Béchard, Henri. Égypte et Nubie.No place, ca. 1880.

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  • Bissing, Friedrich Wilhelm Frh. von, Ägyptologe und Sammler (1873-1956). Eigenhändige Sentenz mit U.O. O. u. D.

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  • Blackwell, Eric. Cairo to Bagdad.Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Iraq and other places, 1919.

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  • Brégeon, Jean-Joel. L'Egypte francaise au jour le jour 1798-1801.Paris, 1991.

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  • [British Armed Forces - Palestine]. [Photograph album: Palestine during the First World War].Deir Dibwan, Cairo, Port Said and other places, ca. 1915-1917.

  • [British Foreign Office]. Correspondence Respecting the Turco-Egyptian Frontier in the Sinai Peninsula.London, 1906.

  • Bruce, James. Carte de la mer Rouge, relevée sur celle de James Bruce.Egypt, probably Cairo, 1827.

  • Brühl, Carl Bernhard. Icones ad zootomiam illustrandam. Das Skelet der Krokodilinen, dargestellt …Vienna, 1862.

  • Brugsch, Emil, German-born Egyptologist (1842-1930). 3 letters in Arabic, signed ("Emile Brugsch" bzw. "E. Brugsch").Apparently Cairo, 1887 to 1911.

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  • Bruyn (Le Brun), Cornelis de. Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn, door de vermaardste deelen van Klein Asia, …Delft, 1698.

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  • Burn-Murdoch, John Francis, British Major General (1859-1931). Collection of manuscripts on military expeditions in North Africa and along …Cairo and other places, 1884-1885.

  • Burton, Isabel. AEI. Arabia Egypt India. A Narrative of Travel.London, 1879.


Showing items 1–48 of 360 (Egypt)

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