
Showing items 1–48 of 205 (India)

  • 'Abd al-Husain, Mirza. Christianity & Islam. Report of a lecture delivered by Mirza Abdul …Madras, 1896.

  • Abu Taleb Khan, Mirza. [Masir-i Talibi, English]. The Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, in Asia, …London, 1810.

  • Placeholder

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  • Après de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste d'. Routier des côtes des Indes Orientales et de la Chine.Paris, 1745.

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  • Baydawi, Abu Muhammad bin 'Umar bin Muhammad bin 'Ali al-. Anwar al-tanzil wa-asrar al-ta'wil.Safavid Persia, 1585 CE = 993 H.

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  • Begum, Sikandar, Nawab of Bhopal (1817-1868). Two autograph letters with seals.Bhopal, 1864.

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  • Placeholder

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  • Blackwell, Eric. Cairo to Bagdad.Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Iraq and other places, 1919.

  • Blaeu, Willem Jansz. India quae orientalis dicitur, et insulae adiacentes.Amsterdam, 1640.

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  • Chavan, Yashwantrao, fifth Deputy Prime Minister of India (1913-1984). Portrait photograph signed.No place, 16 Jul 2074.


Showing items 1–48 of 205 (India)

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