
Showing items 1–48 of 194 (Africa)

  • Abdelkader al-Jazairi, Emir of Mascara, Algerian freedom fighter (1808-1883). Autograph letter with tughra stamp.N. p. probably Damascus, 24 Aug. 1865 = 1 Rabi' al-Thani 1282.

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  • Al-Bakri, Abu Ubayd Abdallah ibn Abdalaziz / Slane, William MacGuckin (ed.). [Kitab al-Mughrib fi dhikr bilad Ifriqiyah wa-al-Maghrib. Wa-huwa juz min …Alger, 1857.

  • [Album - postcards]. [Postcard album from colonial French North Africa].Algeria, Tunisia, and France, 1901-1913.

  • [Algeria]. - El Mézari, Mohamed. Autograph letter signed (as Agha of Mostaganem).N. p., 1849/50.

  • [Algeria & Tunisia]. Manuscript travelogue of a Frenchman, travelling with his parents in Algeria …France, Algeria, and Tunisia, 1890.

  • [Algeria - Tunisia - Photography]. Algerie - Tunisie.Tunis, late 19th century.

  • [Algerian piracy]. Copia de una carta que un cavallero, que va embarcado en la Patrona Real, …Barcelona, 1623.

  • [Algerian piracy]. Breve relacion de la refriega que la Capitana Real de Espana con otras …Barcelona, 1621.

  • [Algerian piracy]. Relazione dell'abbruciamento delle galere nel porto di Algieri fatto dal …Florence, 1604.

  • [Algerian War]. Front de libération national Algerien. Aspects de la Révolution Algérienne.No place, ca. 1957-1958.

  • [Algiers - British Navy]. Plan of the Bay and City of Algiers.London?, 1816.

  • Après de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste d'. A Chart of the Red Sea from Geddah to Suez, According to the General Chart …London, 1781.

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  • [Arabian Sea]. Arabian Sea. Chart No. 143. East Sheet.London, 1896.

  • [Aswan Dam Construction]. A collection of more than 250 vintage photographs of the construction of …Upper Egypt, ca. 1899-1910.

  • [Baudeau, Nicolas]. Idees d'un citoyen sur la puissance du roi et le commerce de la nation …Amsterdam, 1763.

  • Béchard, Émile. L'Égypte et la Nubie. Grand album monumental, historique, architectural.Paris, 1887.

  • Benezet, [Anthony]. Some Historical Account of Guinea, its Situation, Produce, and the general …London, 1772.

  • Benigni, Rudolf. Österreichische Botschaftsberichte über arabische Länder. - Austrian …Wien Vienna, 1974.

  • Berlioux, Etienne Félix. The Slave-Trade in Africa in 1872. Principally carried on for the supply …London, 1872.

  • Bertherand, E[mile]-L[ouis]. Médecine et hygiène des Arabes. Études sur l'exercice de la médecine …Paris, London, Madrid, New York, 1855.

  • [B.O.A.C. - British Overseas Airways Corporation]. Set of photographs.Middle East and Africa, ca. 1952.

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  • British Petroleum Company Ltd. News in Pictures 1956.London, 1956.

  • Broussaud, [Marie Emmanuel André]. Les Carreaux de faïence peints dans l'Afrique du Nord.Paris, 1930.

  • Burn-Murdoch, John Francis, British Major General (1859-1931). Collection of manuscripts on military expeditions in North Africa and along …Cairo and other places, 1884-1885.

  • Burton, Richard / N. M. Penzer (eds.). Selected Papers on Anthropology, Travel & Exploration. Now edited with …London, 1924.

  • Burton, Richard Francis, English explorer and diplomat (1821-1890). Autograph letter signed ("Yrs truly, Rich. F. Burton")London, 5 Oct 1872.

  • Cadoz, François. Le secrétaire de l'Algérie ou Le secrétaire Français-Arabe, contenant …Algier, 1850.

  • [Camels]. Chameau coureur (méari).Algier, no date.

  • Colom, Jacob Aertsz. [Description de la mer méditerranée].Amsterdam, ca. 1670.

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  • [Conquest of Oran]. Nova relaçam da famoza, e admiravel batalha, que tiverao os castelhanos …Lisbon, 1754.

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  • Cooley, William Desborough. Inner Africa Laid Open.London, 1852.

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  • Cooper, Joseph. The Lost Continent; or, Slavery and the Slave-Trade in Africa.London, 1875.

  • Dapper, Olfert. Naukeurige beschrijvinge der Afrikaensche gewesten van Egypten, Barbaryen, …Amsterdam, 1676.

  • Daumas, Eugene. Die Pferde der Sahara.Berlin, 1858.

  • Daumas, Melchior Joseph Eugene. Les chevaux du Sahara et les moeurs du désert [...].Paris, 1858.

  • Dawud ibn 'Umar Antaki (David of Antioch). Al-Tuhfah al-Mubhijah (Al-Nuzhah al-mubhijah fi tashhidh al-adhhan wa-ta'dil …North Africa, 1778 CE = 1192 H.

  • Devereux, William Cope. A Cruise in the "Gorgon;" or, Eighteen months on H.M.S. "Gorgon," Engaged …London, 1869.

  • Dumont, X[avier]. Guide de la Lecture des Manuscrits Arabes.Alger, 1842.


Showing items 1–48 of 194 (Africa)

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