Islamic World

Showing items 1–48 of 3105 (Islamic World)

  • Aa, Pieter van der (ed.) / Gottfried, Johann Ludwig (falsely attributed to). De aanmerkenswaardigste en alomberoemde zee- en landreizen der Portugeezen, …The Hague and Leiden, 1727.

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  • ['Abd Allah 'Abd al-Ghani Khayyat]. The five Pillars of Islam (Ministry Of Hajj and Wakf Publications Saudi …Mecca?, 1964 CE = 1384 H.

  • 'Abd Allah ibn Abi al-Ma'ali al-Mahfuf al-Munajjim. Kashf al-asrar wa Kifayat al-Akhyar fi ilm al-Tanjim wa Ma'rifat Manazil …Uzbekistan, ca. 1880 CE.

  • 'Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushi / Dozy, Reinhart Pieter Anne (ed.). (Kitab al-Mu'jib fi talkhis akhbar ahl al-Maghrib). The history of the …Leyden, 1847.

  • Abd-al-Halim al Qaysari (Suwaylim-Zadah). Bahghat al-albab fi 'l-asturlab (and other works).No place, 1733/34 CE = 1146 H.

  • Abdelkader al-Jazairi, Emir of Mascara, Algerian freedom fighter (1808-1883). Autograph letter with tughra stamp.N. p. probably Damascus, 24 Aug. 1865 = 1 Rabi' al-Thani 1282.

  • Abdoul, Khalfan Jassim Al-. Abhath wa-munaqashat al-Multaqá al-Fikri al-Awwal li-Duwal Majlis al-Ta'awun …Abu Dhabi, 1990.

  • Abdülaziz, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1830-1876, ruled 1861-1876). Ottoman Izn-i Sefine [Sailing Permission] Firman.Konstantiniyye Istanbul, 13 November 1873 CE = 20 Sab'an 1873.

  • Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1842-1918, ruled 1876-1909). Imperial Hejaz berat certificate for Mehmed Suleyman Pasha.Kostantiniyye Istanbul, 16 Sep. 1905 CE = 16 Rajab 1323.

  • Abdul Hamid (Abdülhamid) II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1842-1918). Document with calligraphy of the Sultan's tughra.N. p. o. d.

  • Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1842-1918). Berat certificate for Hafiz Ibrahim Edhem Efendi.Istanbul, 1 May 1896 = 18 Zilkade 1313.

  • Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1842-1918, ruled 1876-1909). Berat certificate for Salahaddin Bey.Istanbul, 28 June 1899 = 18 Safer 1317.

  • [Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1842-1918)]. Secretarial document with gilt tughra of Abdülhamid II.No place, 1888.

  • Abdullah, Muhammad Morsi. Imarat al-Sahil wa-Uman wa-al-Dawlah al-Saudiyah al-Ula 1818-1973 [The …Cairo, 1978.

  • Abdulmejid I, Ottoman Sultan (1823-1861). Firman to the Kadi of Egypt.Constantinople, 24 Sept. 1839 CE = 15 Rajab 1255 H.

  • Abdulmejid I, Ottoman Sultan (1823-1861). Ottoman travelling firman for Sir Jacob Henry Preston.Constantinople, ca. 1840.

  • Abidin, Ihsan. Pferdezucht und Pferderassen im osmanischen Reiche.Berlin, 1918.

  • Abidin, Ihsan (Akinci). Osmanli atlari.Istanbul, 1917.

  • Abu al-Fida Isma`il ibn `Ali (Abulfeda). [Mukhtasar tarikh al-Bashar - Latin]. Abilfedae annales moslemici [...]. …Leipzig, 1778.

  • Abu al-Fida Isma`il ibn `Ali (Abulfeda). Vie de Mohammed. Texte arabe d'Abou'lféda, accompagnié d'une traduction …Paris, 1837.

  • Abu al-Fida Isma`il ibn `Ali (Abulfeda). Albulfedae tabula Syriae cum excerpto geographico ex Ibn Ol Wardii geographia …Leipzig, 1766.

  • Abu al-Fida Isma'il ibn 'Ali (Abulfeda). Albulfedae tabula Syriae cum excerpto geographico ex Ibn Ol Wardii geographia …Leipzig, 1766.

  • Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur Khan / Desmaisons, (Jean-Jacques Pierre) (ed.). Shajarah-i Türk. Tarikh al-shu`ub fi Asiya al-Wustá. Histoire des Mogols …St. Petersburg, 1871-1874.

  • Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi. Kitab bustan al-'arifin [The Garden of Sages].Syria?, 1673/74 CE = 1084 H.

  • Abu Bakr al-Hasan ibn al-Hasib al Harasi (Albubater). [Kitab al mughni fi 'l-mawalid, latine]. Liber genethliacus, sive De nativitatibus, …Nuremberg, 1540.

  • Abu Dawud Sulayman ibn al-Ash'ath al-Sijistani. Kitab Sunan Abi Dawud.Probably Seljuk Damascus, 1131/32 CE = 526 H.

  • [Abu Dhabi]. Geological map of Abu Dhabi.Abu Dhabi, 1970s.

  • [Abu Dhabi]. Abu Dhabi Gas Project. Marine Facilities. 1979-1981.Abu Dhabi, 1979-1981.

  • [Abu Dhabi]. [Architectural plans of the Federal National Council assembly building].United Arab Emirates, ca. 1971.

  • [Abu Dhabi]. Geomorphological map of northern part of Jabal Hafeet, U.A.E.Abu Dhabi, ca. 1970s.

  • [Abu Dhabi - Al Ain]. Geomorphological Map of Northern Part of Gabal Hafeet (U.A.E.).Abu Dhabi, 1970s.

  • [Abu Dhabi - Royal Family]. [Three photograph albums of Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and the royal family].Pakistan, ca. 1970s.

  • [Abu Dhabi - Royal Family]. Photograph archive of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's private life.Pakistan, 1968-1984.

  • [Abu Dhabi - State Visits to Pakistan]. Photograph archive and album: "Visit to Lahore of His Highness Sheikh Zaid …Pakistan, 1967 and 1970.

  • [Abu Dhabi Ministry of Petroleum]. Abu Zaby.Abu Dhabi, 1970s.

  • Abu Ma'shar Ja'far ibn Muhammad ibn 'Umar al-Balkhi (Albumasar). Introductorium in astronomiam Albumasaris abalachi octo continens libros …Venice, 5 Sept. 1506.

  • (Abu Rashid Sa'id b. Muhammad b. Sa'id al-Nisaburi) / Biram, Arthur. Kitabu 'l-masa'il fi'l-hilaf bejn al-Basrijjin wa 'l-Bagdadijjin. Al-kalam …Berlin, 1902.

  • Abu Shuja' al-Isfahani, Ahmad ibn al-Husayn / Salomo Keyzer (ed. & transl.). [Mukhtasar fi al-fiqh 'ala madhhab al-Shafi'i]. Précis de jurisprudence …Leiden, 1859.

  • Abu Taleb Khan, Mirza. [Masir-i Talibi, English]. The Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, in Asia, …London, 1810.

  • Abu-’l Harr al-Mumallih (Pseudo-) / Gliemann, Wilhelm. Viro pietate doctrina humanitate excellentissimo Christiano Wolterstorff …Halle, 1828.

  • Abulcasis (Albucasis, Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi) / [Priscianus, Theodorus; Pseud.:] Octavius Horatianus. Octavii Horatiani rerum medicarum lib. quatuor. ... Per Herema[n]num Comitem …Strasbourg, 26 Feb 1532.

  • Abu-'l-Ma`ani al-Bagdadi, Muhammad / Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von. Juwelenschnüre Abul-Maani's (des Vaters der Bedeutungen) das ist Bruchstücke …Vienna, 1822.


Showing items 1–48 of 3105 (Islamic World)

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